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How fractions are used in speech
This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 11 Oct 2016, 10:20.

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1. Adjective use in regular speech
2. Vowel use in regular speech
3. Devision in math

(note: all of the following numbers are in base twelve)

In general, if one wishes to use a fraction as an adjective (for example, half an hour), the denominator is used after the noun of which it alters (with a small addition), and the numerator is used before.

english - nine fifths of an apple
word order - a nine apple fifth
gallifreyan - uh tɑ gɑjul ʒoçɑ

As can be seen above, the numerator remains as it is as a number, however to turn a five into a fifth a 'ʒo' is added as a prefix to the number that forms the denominator.

Further examples:
half an hour - uh ɹuçaɾ ʒofɑ
three quarters of a day - uh lɑ ziʃi ʒosɑ
hundredth of a metre - uh ʃtin bəj

Using a fraction an a vowel simply means 'to divide into this many equal pieces', as such, it can only be used with fractions having one as the numerator (as it is impossible to divide something into three quarters). It relates only to the object of the sentence. They are all regular vowels and follow the following basic structure.

ʒono(number) - to divide into this number of pieces (Rv)

I divide the cake into eighths - ɛʒononɑʔaɬ uθ nəku
The wood was cut into three pieces - ɪʒonolɑʔam uθ ɐʃʔɛja

(Note how whatever verb, be it slice, cut, chop - the word divide is used instead, so long as the number of remaining pieces is specified)

This set of vowels only relate to dividing into equally sized pieces, on the occasion that they are uneven/inequal, then the word 'ɛθlodʒɛbɛ' is added before the vowel.
While the word 'dʒɛbɛ' can be added before the vowel to indicate that they are equal pieces, it is unnecessary as the vowel defaults to equal.

The leaf will be cut into six uneven pieces - ɛθlodʒɛbɛ ɪʒonoʒɑʔaç uθ tɑl

Time for the extra fun part!
When discussing mathematics, numbers turn from adjectives to nouns. The following form for fractions is formed.

a. The numerator, on the occasion that it is '1', must still be added.
b. In fractions with large numbers as the numerator and/or denominator it can be difficult to work out the dividing line 'ʒon'. It is recommended to simply look for two consonants together, with the first being 'n'. This, or one can separate the word into three, or two individual words for clarity (whatever word that the 'ʒon' is attached to does not matter, as long as it is on the end of the numerator or the beginning of the denominator).

two fifths (2/5) - fɑʒonçɑ
three-hundred-seventy-five thousand-and-twelfths (375/1012) - ləjmiʒunbɛfu, or ləjmiʒun bɛfu, or ləjmi ʒunbɛfu, or ləjmi ʒun bɛfu (Note that it is considerably less lengthy to say)

Further sentence structure of mathematics will be discussed in another article.

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