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so much to do, to few syntax to do it
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im losing my mind
This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 1 Apr 2024, 17:30.

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every time i try to translate something, i am reminded of how poorly I've thought about
the structure of 'ariška; like I have literally only focused on content words or prepositions....
so as soon as i need to connect two clauses together, i'm done for.

and its not even just that too, this lang... I feel it rotting from the inside
its like a shell of an underdeveloped clam, slowly rotting in the sun.

know what, here is a quick list of all the fucking shit i need to think of:

- more prepositions
- how conjunctions and subordinations conjunctions (or their counterparts) work
- adverbs?????
- man this lang has literally no fucking ellipsis
- words man... i cant get enough of them
- what am i going to do for gerunds/verbal nouns?
- how the fuck am I going to do anything comparable with infinitive verbs
- these phono's don't aesthetic

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[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 06-May-24 03:28 [Deactivated User]
GOOD LUCK it really is agony
also my friend saiph who is much more adjusted than me in this hobby is using suffixes attached to adjectives to turn them into adverbs! i will probably do the same so i don't suffer more than i have to, i wish you luck in figuring out how you want to go about it :)
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