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Their Mindset
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What's the mindset Hudufluty Auxlang aims for.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 14 Feb 2017, 22:22.

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The Society For Modern Huduflutian Ancient Alchemy is a religious group, the largest Ancient Alchemist sect in Hudufluty.
Ancient Alchemy
Huduflutian Ancient Alchemy was a mystical alchemical tradition in Hudufluty for hundreds of years that died out in the 1500s. They weren't particularly unified but they wrote down their beliefs in books. Around 1900, many sects sprung up to restore Ancient Alchemy, with slightly different doctrines. Among the non-Ancient Alchemist public, the Ancient Alchemists (the old ones) got lucky on a few things, and a few might have been early science, but a lot of the stuff they wrote down is wrong, a man by a pen name roughly translating to The Retired General Somebody Somebody wrote a book during the 1400s that pointed out much of that. That in turn lead to the 1500s's lumping them in with a bunch of other people and going on a Crusade.
Political Mindset Of The Society
Supports Greens on anti-oil stance but also supports a conservative government (loosely) and the Society is strongly for Huduflutian independence, because they rabidly hate Tane (and Muleron, but they don't recognize Muleron as existing). As a result, they are fairly unpopular, and sometimes refuse to vote. Not all other Ancient Alchemy sects hold these opinions. Their position on your area of Sahar: they either hate it, claim it's been taken over by the Tanians, or don't recognize that it exists, with a few exceptions.
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