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Word Order in Wistanian
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A quick tutorial on how to order words in Wistanian
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 5 Sep 2017, 10:53.

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One of the beauties of Wistanian is that it is a conglomeration of several other languages, each of which have influenced this lingua franca. Due to the multiple influences, Wistanian's most confusing, yet most interesting, feature is it's word order. Officially, the word order is VSO, but strictly speaking, the word order changes and adapts to several different environments. However, even though the word order can change, it does not have free word order.

Transitive Verb: VSO

Accusative mark is used for improper nouns:
ENG. I saw the man.
WIS.. lun ggiya yo aamiz.
LIT... Did see I (acc)man.

Accusative mark is not used for proper nouns:
ENG. I saw Alija.
WIS.. lun ggiya yo Alija.
LIT... Did see I Alija.

Intransitive Verb: SVO

ENG. I see
WIS.. yo lun ggiya
LIT... I do seeing

Copula Verb: SVO

Predicate Nominatives do not take on the accusative mark.
ENG. I am a man.
WIS.. yo va miz.
LIT... I am man.

Imperative Verb: VOS

The imperative mood also has it's own conjugation (-ddi). The accusative mark is also used.
ENG. See the man!
WIS.. ggiyaddi aamiz lu.
LIT... See(imp) (acc)man you.

Predicate Adjective: OSV

W/ Transitive Verb
ENG. I become happy.
WIS.. vaaga yo lun viya
LIT... Happy I do become

W/ Copula Verb
ENG. I am happy.
WIS.. vaaga yo va .
LIT... Happy I am .


Modifiers usually follow their head:
ENG. I am a good man.
WIS.. yo va miz bi.
LIT... I am man good.

Typically, modifier phrases are featured at the beggining of a sentence:
ENG. I am a good man all day.
WIS.. ov zun atun yo va miz bi.
LIT... during day all I am man good.

Modifiers related to shape, color, and number precede their head.
ENG. I am one good brown man.
WIS.. yo va lin ranita miz bi.
LIT... I am one man good.
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