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Lesson #3
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Interrogative pronouns
This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 29 Jul 2018, 00:28.

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Lesson 3
In Lesson 2, I briefly attempted to outline the ways you can conjugate a verb through tense and mood. Since we have already covered greetings in Hakkan, we will take one step forward by introducing you how to construct simple questions in Hakkan.

Interrogative pronouns
This section will cover basic details on how to put together simple questions starting with what. If you want to ask what something is, you say thos ksa (object)?. As you can see, questions don't normally undergo any unusual constructions, and sentences and be kept in the SVO order. In the sentence, it reads: thos which means what and ksa means is. To say what is this? you say: thos ksa tsaxe?. Tsaxe means this.

If you want to say where are you?, you say thoqo ksa seyo. Here, you replaced what with where, which is thoqo in this case.
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