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A History of the Zwolur People
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A history of the Zwolur People
This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 2 Nov 2021, 19:32.

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The Zwolur people have inhabited the islands of Zwolur since the year 397 C.E.. True Zwolur culture began to emerge around the year 1034, at the same time as the emergence of /ɰ/. In the year 683, the Arabs found Zwalar. The native Zwalar language was still developing from nothing, so most, if not all, vocabulary came from Arabic. On all islands but Kasar, /ɰ/ was replaced with /r/. A semitic, triliteral root system was developed, and wise men developed the language more and more. Over time, features like gendered second person pronouns and the dual number disappeared, due to lack of use. Now, the Zwolur people connect culturally with Arabs, especially North Levantines and Egyptians. Zwalar remained under Arab rule until 1577, with the invasion by the Ottoman Empire. When the Ottoman Empire fell apart, no one colonized Zwalar. The people went into isolation, as interacting with other countries would call attention to themselves and get them colonized. At the end of the period of colonialism of the Middle East, Zwalar revealed itself as a nation to the rest of the world. Now, Zwalar is one of the least corrupt nations in the Arab world, although a few don't include it as an Arab nation. ✎ Edit Article ✖ Delete Article
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