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Sound Changes in Melitian
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A long list of the most important sound changes
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 11 Mar 2019, 23:22.

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Respell everything Melitian style
i/y when before aspirate
Drop all h's aspirating p, t, or k unless at beginning of word
kt/tt except before e
ivi/ihi as 2nd p ending.
Shorten long vowels at beginning of words, except in a handful of one or two syllable nouns.
VCCV, where each V and C are the same, especially if the Vs are long, becomes long vjvc
-is becomes -e in words that have a consonant before -is and -s in words that have a vowel before -is, if -is is at the end of a word
us/u at the end of a 2nd declension word
um/o at the end of a 2nd declension word
t/dd before an a or e at the end of a word
ph/bb when after voiced consonant
th/dd when after voiced consonant
p/bb before an a or o at the end of a word
pr/bb except at the start of a word
tr/dd before one short vowel, and becomes dr otherwise
b/bb between two of the same vowel
d/dd between two of the same vowel
R undoubles if doubled, except before i or y, where it becomes ŕ
ti/ś in -tio, -tionis endings
rk/vk unless preceded by long vowel
v/f at the beginning of words stressed on the first syllable
ziV/hśV, though sometimes h goes before the vowel before it
i/j before double vowel, except at start of word
qu/k, and vowel after it lengthens. Kk when in last syllable
v/l in 2nd part endings for verbs
longV, nasal, long V becomes V, doubled nasal, long V unless at the beginning or end of a word
gu/g, and vowel after it lengthens. Gg when in last syllable
gr/kr except at the beginning of a word
m/n before syllable that ends in r
ks/ŕś except to begin words, where it becomes ś and vowel lengthens
st/t in participle endings, and sidd (before e,i,y) or sit (a,o,u, end of word) otherwise
Drop final short e on verbs
Long vowels in the penultimate syllable of a 2nd part of a 1st or 4th declension noun become short if the consonant between it and the last vowel is not a fricative or stop.
r/v when after doubled p, k, or t.
a/e before s when short and in the last syllable
rk becomes ŕ when before consonant or short o or u
sp/ps after long vowel
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