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What is Mathal?
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 4 Oct 2022, 19:56.

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Mathal is a language that is mainly spoken by Tálot (gods).

They live on and around Báraneng, a giant tree that stretches endlessly into the sky, and downwards. Tálot live somewhere in the middle. When they look up, they see some clouds and twigs and branches and when they look down, they see an ocean of thick clouds where young baby gods are created somewhere beyond the horizon and then shipped to Báraneng in a little boat with nothing but a wooden name plate with their name on it and one of the seven elements they can control.
Tálot live in some form of hierarchical society and depending on their abilities they have been given they follow their predetermined paths. There are Tálot who are caring and bring up children, some educate or are food gatherers, climbing up the branches to fetch some delicious fruit. Others are builders using wood or metal, create apartments or houses. Finally, there are those who live way up in the finest homes. They are Báranitál, Planet Gods, with full power, for they supervise and treat and nourish the planets.

Báranut are special fruit that grow from the tree. They all are hanging down from bright threads and reach sizes between a dumpling and a large gym ball. The riper they are, the lower they hang. When they are ripe, they can be picked and brought into a Tál's home where they can be formed and made inhabitable. After this process báranung are reattached to the tree so life can be brought upon it. A Tál's task is to ensure that a planet will abide. But this is a terribly difficult task and only the best Tál are educated and only few become immortal Báranitál.

Tálot that fail are getting annihilated and addled or ruined planets end up in an endlessly big room that already is filled with billions of aborted Báranut and other celestial bodies. Creatures who live on planets often call this room their universe. They have no idea what even lies beyond this room.
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