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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 27 Mar 2022, 10:02.

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Verb to noun:
-ol = subject
-om = object
-oik = action

Verb to adjective:
-kin = -able

e.g. dontu = see
dontol = seer
dontom = thing that's seen/seeee
dontoik = sight
dontkin - seeable

-(z)u = verb (to be ...) (for 3S.PRE.SIMP verbs, you don't add z)
-(e)nt = noun (...ness)
-(z)el = comparative (
-(z)ech = superlative (...est)

Noun to adjective:
-pu = like
-pa = being

Noun to verb:
-(e)lfu = turn into

e.g. yeber = child
yebepu = childish
yebepa = being a child
yebelfu = turn (something) into a child
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