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History and Culture of Etilamy
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 5 Dec 2021, 18:54.

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This article is a work in progress! Check back later in case any changes have occurred.
NOTE: This entire Article is extremely bare with only the Names and Calendar sections of CULTURE being up-to-date, It will fill up with information over the next few weeks as well as revamps!

[edit] [top]CULTURE

WARNING: This section is not finished and is subject to change over the coming days, weeks and months!

Etilam Names are comprised of 3 parts: the First name, the Second name, and the God name. The First name functions the same purpose as an English or European first name, except that some longer first names include formal contractions and can change based on gender and preference. For example, if someone was named Salimatue, then that persons contraction would be either "Sali" or "Matue" or even "Salue". Second names are a bit more difficult, as they are usually comprised of many parts based on the individual such as: Origins, birth day, birth year, family name and more(NOTE: No second name has all of these, just 2 or 3 and all are combined with a -).For example, if Salimatue's second name was comprised of the day(Monday, 26th April) and family name(Suul), their second name would be "Than-suul". And finally, God names are based on the month you were born in and are usually comprised of the second part of Semi-God names(More on that in the Bhänism section). So our fictional characters full name would be "Salimatue Than-suul Sil". In a very formal cases, the God part goes before your first name, so their name would be "Sil Salimatue Than-suul". In most cases, saying your first name or first name contraction is fine, but to people seen higher than yourself its best to introduce your first name and god name(out of respect) without the contraction. If "I'm" is "e'ba" in Toickian, Sali would introduce themselves as "Sali e'ba." to random people and potential friends, but as "Sali sil k'ba" to someone higher than themselves(NOTE: k'ba is the formal version of e'ba).


Etilamy uses the Tokan Calendar, a calendar created in 804 by an unknown king in the Saan Period of the "Kingdom of Etil". It was banned in 1589 when it was colonized by the British and returned in 1918, after the release of the West Etilam Republic. After its return, the Supreme Council decided to bring back the 4 traditional holidays of Pevgad, Ybesza, Faskue and Jeethan(More on the National Holidays of Elitamy in the Holidays Section). It has 15 Regular months, with each month having 24 days and each week having 8 days, and 1 Special month called "Vestivaal" which is 6 days long(7 ever leap year). Every 8 years, there is a special event called the Return, it happens when the 1st day falls on the 1st day of the week. The last "Return" happened in 2019 and the next will happen in 2027. Below is a Calendar showing the months of 2022 (1217):



Food and Languages

Views and Beliefs

[edit] [top]MODERN DAY

WARNING: This section is not finished and is subject to change over the coming days, weeks and months!

The Adirr Economy is Centered around the Adirr Sterling, with 1 Sterling(ADS) being equivalent to $0.0219. The currency is written with a Ȿ(Sterling) and a value is often simplified to the nearest 0 depending on the value. For example, If an apartment costs $500, the direct conversion to Sterling is Ȿ22 816 but, commonly, most places that sell things would round that up to
Ȿ23 000. Instead of commas, the values are separated by spaces in Regular increments (1, 10, 100, 1 000, 10 000, 100 000, 1 000 000 etc.). Another difference between Sterling and other currencies is the Simplification method. Because of the large amount of zeros, there is a way to compact(or simplify) the money amount. That is by adding an ƶ in a specific location, an easy to think of it is xƶn0; x is the value without the last zeros in a space, n is the amount of zeros and ƶ stands for sabesi. For example, if we have an amount of Ȿ2 630 000, it can be written as Ȿ2 630ƶ30(ƶ being pronounced as sabe). The minimum wage across the entirety of Adirriya is $7 or Ȿ320/hr but Counties/States can decide their own minimum wage based on that amount, some keep it the same and some make it a little higher. To show how a person might live, here is Aness Rechavue's Month salary and the amount she spends for bills, food and more in the capital of Adirriya, Geedam. She makes the minimum wage in Geedam(Ȿ500/hr($11/hr)) and works 4 hours a day, 6 days a week.

Income = Ȿ48 000/Ȿ48ƶ30
Rent(1Bedroom, 1Bathroom flat)Ȿ18 000/Ȿ18ƶ30
Electricity Average Electric bill(2,000kWh), (Ȿ7/kWh)Ȿ14 000/Ȿ14ƶ30
Average Electric gas(4,500kWh), (Ȿ1/kWh)Ȿ4 500
State Tax(6% of income)Ȿ2 880
Health InsuranceⱾ3 650
Total LeftⱾ3 970
Combi Card(Bus, Metro, Tram, Train) 1 MonthⱾ2 500
Total LeftⱾ1 470
Loaf of Bread(500g)Ȿ45
Skimmed Milk(1Litre)Ȿ75
12 Eggs(Factory Farmed)Ȿ50
Chicken Fillets(1kg)Ȿ260
Cheddar Cheese(10 Slices, 250g)Ȿ98
Butter(Salted, 250g)Ȿ78
Ham(Sliced, 160g)Ȿ88
Doritos Tortilla Chips(180g)Ȿ125
Total LeftⱾ651
She then uses the rest of her money to eat out and to buy things later in the month

Now, at the end of the first day she potentially only has Ȿ651 which is not alot($14). However, when a person makes less than Ȿ1ƶ60/Ȿ1 000 000(Around $20,000) they are entitled to a benefit amount of around Ȿ5 500 each month. If you prove that you make less than Ȿ450ƶ30/Ȿ450 000, the government will pay for an apartment up to Ȿ20ƶ30/Ȿ20 000 if your a single person(w or w/ a partner) and up to Ȿ60ƶ30/Ȿ60 000 if you have children. You also get money for each child you have (Ȿ5000 each). Also, the minimum wage relies heavily on age. In Adirriya, the legal age to work is 15 or 14 depending on the county/state. From this age, the minimum wage in Geedam is Ȿ250. For 17-19 it goes up to Ȿ500. Finally, after 21 the minimum wage becomes Ȿ750. It is expected that you leave home after 21 however many factors impact this and you may be forced to leave earlier or later which is why benefits exist. But thats just the minimum wage, if a job requires a specific skill it will pay more depending on the knowledge needed. A Construction worker might get paid Ȿ1 250 while an Experienced Surgeon might be paid a massive Ȿ6 000/Ȿ6ƶ30($131). Lets see how much the Surgeon would make. The Average Surgeon works for 8 hours and 6 days a week. This would mean surgeons make Ȿ101 376 000/Ȿ101 376ƶ30 Yearly. That is over $2M dollars each year and this makes this job the best paying in all of Adirriya. Lets say that this surgeon wants to live in Outer Geedam and has 4 Children and she has just bought her first house after saving up for a few months. Her name is Jeevue Rechavue and she has a husband aswell, named "Deevik Rechavue". She has some Furniture but also needs to buy some new Furniture and also needs a car. One of her children is 18 and so needs University Tuition. Here are her basic expenses:

Savings(3 Months half Total Salary)Ȿ13 824 000/Ȿ13 824ƶ30
Monthly IncomeⱾ9 216 000/Ȿ9 216ƶ30
Child Income(Four Children)Ȿ20 000/Ȿ20ƶ30
Total Amount Available to Spend = Ȿ23 060 000/Ȿ23 060ƶ30
House (3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom)Ȿ15 000 000/Ȿ15ƶ60
Electricity Average Electric bill(6,000kWh), (Ȿ7/kWh)Ȿ42 000/Ȿ42ƶ30
Average Electric gas(13,500kWh), (Ȿ1/kWh)Ȿ13 500
State Tax(6% of income)Ȿ552 960
Health Insurance(6 People, Premium)Ȿ250 000/Ȿ250ƶ30
Phone bill(6 People(3 000 for 1), Unlimited Data, Unlimited Msg&Call)Ȿ18 000/Ȿ18ƶ30
Fibre Broadband(1Gb/s Download, 85Mb/s Upload)Ȿ8 000/Ȿ8ƶ30
Total LeftⱾ7 175 540
Vauxhall Astra 2021Ȿ1 800 000/Ȿ1 400ƶ30
Combi Card(Bus, Metro, Tram, Train) 1 Month (4 Childrens/Ȿ1 000, 2 Adult/Ȿ2 500)Ȿ9 000/Ȿ9ƶ30
4 City Bikes(Ȿ20 000/Ȿ20ƶ30 each)Ȿ80 000/Ȿ80ƶ30
Total LeftⱾ5 286 540
She buys Too many things to list so Groceries will be added up into one
GroceriesⱾ20 652
Total LeftⱾ5 265 888
Seedue Rechavue's Expenses
Jeevue has decided that she will pay some of Seedue's Expenses until shes 21
Rent(1Bedroom, 1Bathroom flat)Ȿ20 500
Total LeftⱾ5 291 888

The Etilam Economy is mainly centred around the Sterling(not Pound), with 1 Federal Etilam Sterling(FES) being worth around 0.18USD(Current exchange rate from FES to USD = 5.6365). The currency is written with a £ after the original number followed by a pi-like symbol that shows simplification(RARE outside Unuel), which is used as the currency doesn't have any cents and only uses whole notes and coins. so £9 is 68.55£ or 69£π depending on if you are using cash or credit card. The biggest difference between the FES and other currencies is the denominations. Federal Sterling come in 2,3,4,5,10,15,12,25,30,60,90,100,150,200 while most other currencies come in 1,2,5,10,20,50,100. 2, 3, 4 and 5 Sterling come in coin form while 10 to 150 come in note form. The 200 Sterling only exists in a few states(Anech, Zungaag and the Capital District) and some states don't even accept it anymore(Häpeng, Ghueth and Upper parts of Bälki). Etilamy is not a cheap country but its also not that expensive compared to other countries, as long as you know where to look. To show this, here is a table showing prices for basic things in daily life in the capital city Wescudaam: (Items take from

Milk Regular(1 litre)16£10£-20£
Loaf of Bread(500g)14£9£-15£
Cheese(Imported), (500g)30£29£-50£
Eggs (12, Factory Farmed)11£5£-20£
Income = 9600£
Rent(1Bedroom, 1Bathroom flat)2650£2302£-6521£
Average Electric bill(2,000kWh), (1£/kWh)2000£1500£-4800£
Average Electric gas(4,500kWh), (0.5£/kWh)2250£1100£-3500£
State Tax(Income/5.68)1690£800£-20,000£
Single transport ticket(bus, metro, trams10£10£-11£
Train ticket from Wescudaam to Anedaam172£120£-210£
Vauxhall Astra120,789£99,567£-154,675£
Monthly transport ticket(bus, metro, trams)380£370£-410£
Boat journey from Wescudaam to Sctentlam365£325£-420£

These prices might seem high, but the minimum wage in the capital district is 100£/hr or $18/hr for over 18's and 85£/hr or $15/hr for 15-17 year olds. Oh yeah, the legal age to work is 15 but your working hours are restricted to after school during school terms and 20 hours a week on holidays. That's just the Minimum wage though, if you choose to stick with school or you don't but just find a job that requires skill, the job will pay much higher. For example, a regular family doctor would be paid 640£/hr($113/hr) and a regular Secondary school(school system not finished) teacher would be paid 400£/hr($71/hr). Even jobs such as plumber pay quite a bit, 240£/hr to be precise. The reason for this huge economy stems from 4 factors; Education, Resources, Tourism and Living conditions. There are also Benefits to help with money depending on how much you earn. If you are homeless, you get a tiny house somewhere outside the city and get help to get you on your feet. If you Earn less than 10,000£ you're entitled to a 500£ bonus each month. There are also emergency loans you can take from the government.

Politics and Foreign Relationships


Modern day Etilamy (or the Federal states of Etilamy) is comprised of many large and small islands that make up 9 states and 1 district. Its capital is Wescudaam and it is very large in cycling culture.

Here is a map without Manmade land

And here is a map with Manmade land:

Speaking of land, Etilamy is comprised of 9 states as stated before, here is the map of the borders and names of those states:

As you can see, The only read island that was added was in between Unuel and Frylä. However, that doesn't make it not important as it is what connects the island highways together, which can be seen here along with cities and highway names:

The G4 is the Longest Continuous highway and lets you go through 5 of the nine states, but that's only because of the extra island. There are plans to construct a massive island next to Anech to connect the G1/G2 and the G4 with a new G6 highway but it has not been confirmed yet.

[edit] [top]HISTORY

WARNING: This section is not finished and is subject to change over the coming days, weeks and months!

Being inhabited by many tribes, it wasn't discovered surprisingly until 1289, when James Eleanor tried to navigate the Atlantic ocean but failed and landed in modern-day Ghueth. It slowly got more recognized until the beginning of the colonial era, when in 1589, the UK invaded the islands and enslaved the tribes that lived on the land until 1799. After which the UK handed some lower lands to the Dutch in turn for new Amsterdam in 1824. Then in 1850, lower parts of Britain's half of Etilamy was sold to France, which still holds some lands to this day. The Etilam people suffered harsh conditions through these times basically having no rights and working for pennies. That is, of course, until 1918, where after world war one, the Dutch let go of West Etilamy. West Etilamy then started to get itself together with the help of a newly elected president which turned the country around. It started to prosper and by 1932, it was even larger than some European states. Because of the water, Etilamy wasn't effected by ww2 and stayed neutral. After the war, West Etilamy took advantage of Britain and bought East Etilamy from Britain in 1956 and modern day Ghueth in 1975. In 1990 It changed its flag to the modern day flag. ✎ Edit Article ✖ Delete Article
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