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Halebu Culture
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 14 Jun 2020, 13:06.

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6. Prefixes ? ?
Menu 1. Religion 2. Clothing 3. Customs 4. Sports and Games 5. Poetry 6. Extra This article will contain several different aspects of the culture surrounding the  Halebuu language. This article will most likely be edited and expanded in the future.

[edit] [top]Religion

The most prevelant religion in the Aluthu Empire is a form of polytheism, featuring 5 distinct deities, with each deity having 2 polar opposite personalities.
Ezge (Égé) < -- > Kamhruda (Kameruda) God of reality/fantasy
Usefa (Usefa) < -- > Mesa (Mesa) God of creation/destruction
Hufatu (Hufatu) < -- > Miteta (Miteta) God of life/death
Afera (Afera) < -- > Afar (Afar) God of virtue/evil
Bukar (Bukar) < -- > Bukaresg (Bukaresh) God of fate/misfortune

In some cases it is even referred to as a monotheistic religion, since every God shown in the order above is a consequence of the domain of the God above it. For instance, creation and destruction are a consequence of reality and fantasy, life only exists because of creation and destruction, virtue and evil can only exist because of life and death, and fortune/misfortune means nothing without virtue/evil. In other words, all deities are a part of Ége (reality) in the same way as Brahma in Hinduïsm.

The Aluthu religion is heavily based on the concept of souls or Gitu (Gitu). It is believed that once a living thing passes away, their soul is judged by the 5 main gods, as well as all the souls that came before it. Depending on the judgement, the soul is sent to 1 of the 5 heavens or 1 of 5 hells that are specific to a certain deity.

Heavens :
  • Lihezgenu
  • : An endless library that contains all knowledge.
  • Lihusefanu
  • : A workshop where every form of art is created.
  • Lihufatu
  • : A peaceful garden that contains all forms of life.
  • Lihaferanu
  • : A palace where all the rightuous souls live.
  • Libukaru
  • : A field through which the river of fate flows.

    Hells :
  • Likamhrudu
  • : A dark void where thought is impossible.
  • Limesaru
  • : A place where everything is destroyed.
  • Litetaru
  • : A dungeon where everyone has to constantly relive their death. (Pun intended)
  • Lihafaru
  • : A battlefield where the only possible feeling is bloodlust.
  • Libukaresgu
  • : A desert that is filled with misfortune.

    During your judgement, you can call upon one other soul from the afterlife to be your witness. Usually this would be a deceased parent or friend. That's why it is very important in every believers life to find and please a soul to be their witness.
    You can alledgedly please a soul with sacrifices, prayers or generally by doing things that would have pleased them if they were alive. Which is why it's not uncommon to pray for a deceased king, because if your witness was an important individual, they are likely held in high regards in the afterlife, and you'll have more chance to get into a good afterlife yourself.
    One of the most common ways to please a deceased soul is by wearing ribbons or amulets with the souls name engraved in them. The more intricately designed these pieces of jewlery are, the better your chances are at pleasing the soul. These ribbons often feature a specific mantra or phrase that is closely linked to the soul.
    Priests are people who devote their entire life to pleasing the soul of a God, instead of a human. This lifestyle is hard to keep up, since the Gods are the highest form of authority in the afterlife and are thus the most difficult to please. There are functions that require you to be a certain priest, for example :
    Every king must be a priest of Hufatu, every general must be a priest of Afera, artists and poets are expected to be priests of Usefa. This is because these functions are believed to receive inspiration and
    guidance from their respective Gods. ( The King is guided by the God of life, a general is guided by the God of virtue and artists are guided by the God of creation, because those jobs would please those Gods)

    [edit] [top]Clothing

    [edit] [top]Customs

    [edit] [top]Sports and Games

    [edit] [top]Poetry

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