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Saremian: verb usage
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This article is about when to use which tense in Saremian.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 16 Aug 2023, 10:42.

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Here you will learn about the different  Saremian verb tenses and their usage. If you are interested in learning how to conjugate verbs correctly, see the article "Saremian: verb conjugation".


The infinitive is used:

1) As the base (lemma) form of the verb that is found in dictionaries (e.g. estir for "to be", mènchir for "to eat", vèdir for "to go" and achètir for "to buy").

2) After certain verbs that require another verbs to complete their meaning (modal verbs). It is worth noting that mostly modal verbs can also be used without verbs.

Djè dèntsir am.
I like to dance.

3) After certain prepositions, such as a ("to"), pur ("for") and sents ("without").

Olvert prest a partir est.
Olvert is ready to go.

Djè pur rich devènir lour.
I work to became rich.

Il sents ditsir bundi pasit.
He passes by without saying hello.


The present tense is used:

1) To express what is actually taking place at the present moment.

Djè pich or mang.
I am eating fish now.

2) To express a habitual or routine action.

Il a lè ichulè tchachun matin vèdit.
He goes to school in the morning.

3) To express general truths.

Lè Terè runtè est.
The Earth is round.

4) To narrate events that occured in the past (historical present).

Lè Alèmagnè lè Pulugnè in 1939 invèdit.
Germany invades Poland in 1939.


The imperfect tense is used:

1) To describe actions that were in progress at a specific time in the past :

Djè èl ser dèl hior dènoi.
I was walking last night.

Mariè unè pumè mènchoit, coint un amic lè telefunit.
Mariè was eating an apple when a friend called him.

2) To express thoughts, physical attributes and emotional states in the past:

Djè un medic devènir estent pitet vuloi.
I wanted to be a doctor as a child.

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