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Functions are verbs and work the same as math functions
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 26 Apr 2019, 12:01.

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Functions can be used as verbs or nouns, but, because they resemble and are highly influenced by mathematical functions, they are called respectively.

First use of functions: verb

Like math functions they have the name of the function followed by the argument(s), followed by output(s):
f(x) = y

f (args)-i ni (outs)-i

There are three things to note here: 1) Venish functions have always vowel harmony of -a-, 2) the last argument and output are marked by -i, 3) not all arguments or outputs must be given if they are too obvious or not known.
For example:

Xama (de(i))* ni ksenei.
Xama (1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
something 'meaningless' inserted for structural reasons
)) ni (ksene) EEpenthetic
something 'meaningless' inserted for structural reasons

"Eat (I) = apple." i.e. "I eat an apple"

*when there's a pronoun as frequent as de followed by no other arguments, the -i can be absent or even the whole pronoun

Building on this example we can say this:

Xama ni ksene kei.
Xama ni (ksene, ke) EEpenthetic
something 'meaningless' inserted for structural reasons

"Eat = apple one." i.e. "I eat an apple."

As you can see, there are now two outputs: ksene ('apple') and ke ('one'). We can thus say that the function xama gives as outputs [eaten object] and [quantity of object].


Arguments must be said in a given order if not marked. Sometimes, however, you want to explicit only a few arguments or just emphasize something. In this case you can mark them to avoid confusion.
For the function xama the arguments are: [agent], [where](-x), [when](-r), ...
So, for example, you can say:

Xama mi lemeri ni ksenei.
Xama mi leme-ARG1Unknown code* EEpenthetic
something 'meaningless' inserted for structural reasons
ni ksene EEpenthetic
something 'meaningless' inserted for structural reasons
"Eat less day = apple." i.e. "I ate yesterday an apple."

* arguments are counted from 0 to infinity, so this is the second argument

Usually, for every function in Venish, the arguments are:
ARG1Unknown code agent
ARG2Unknown code second agent* (-x)
ARG3Unknown code where (the agent is) (-r)
ARG4Unknown code time (-v)
ARG5Unknown code manner (-s)
ARG6Unknown code cause (-t)
ARG7Unknown code how the agent feels (-n)
ARG8Unknown code how the agent VBVerb the output (-k)
ARG9Unknown code with what the agent VBVerb the output (-m)

* that is involved in the action.

Second use of functions: nouns

As in math, the function's outputs can indicate a set. Therefore in Venish you can use functions as groups of things.
For example:

De ti ladai
1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
ELMUnknown code lada EEpenthetic
something 'meaningless' inserted for structural reasons

"I element of hovercraft." i.e. "I am in the hovercraft."

As you can see, there is no preposition indicating de is inside of lada, instead there's only ti indicating that the variable de is part, or an element of the function lada.

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