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Info on Awinesh
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Some stuff about Awiness
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 4 Dec 2019, 17:52.

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This article is a work in progress! Check back later in case any changes have occurred.


Awinesh is a language that is spoken by a race of fuzzy anthropomorphic rabbit creatures. They average about 4 feet tall (minus the ears) and have a 90% rabbit like face. The main difference is that Awir have more cheekbone that makes rheir eyes face forward. Because of that, many of the sounds the human mouth can make are not possible for the Awir to make. The language has no labial or dental consonants at all because of their always growing teeth and small weak lips.
Because what I am writing the language for currently only supports ASCII, there are multiple forms to write some accented letters. Ž=zz/zh š=ss/sh ñ=nn/ng but letter doubling is the least ambiguous way to ASCII-fy the Awinesh alphabet.

Syllable Structure:
Mostly CV or VC but it can only be one or the others. This is even maintained even in conjugation. (At the moment, not likely to change but a couple consonant clusters might be added) The only time 2 vowels can touch are ir and ru as in Awir and ruj. These can be dipthonged or not and it does not matter.

You might be thinking Awinesh sounds too logical for a naturalistic language, and you'd be both right and wrong. It is kind of what Interslavic is to slavic speaking nations, an interlingua used between the many worlds populated by the Awir. Despite this, it is the language of their homeworld and thus still has some local flare mixed in.

Writing systems:
Along with the romanization and ASCII-fication systems there are (or at least will be within a week or two) 2 constructed scripts. One is used in typical writing. It is characterized by a very curly form. More to come on this once the font is done. The other is a more ornamental script inspired by the likes of Ogham, plus a bit of the style of Applebeech. The difference here is that the lettering will be more curly than ogham and more detailed since their available toolage can produce more rounded shapes without much extra effort. It is occasionally w9itten in place of the other script. Mostly as a stylistic choice.

Awinesh is my first language I am actually going to use in future creations.
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