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Intarángul Lesson #1
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Learn the basics of Intarángul
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 25 Oct 2023, 18:34.

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Menu 1. Lesson #1 - The Basics | lékizon 1 - jé básĵek
[edit] [top]Lesson #1 - The Basics | lékizon 1 - jé básĵek

1.1. Which order of the clauses is used in Intarángul?
The subject (S) is the first clause, after the subject goes the verb (V), and lastly, the object (O). Therefore, the word order in an Intarágul sentence is SVO.

1.2. What is a word made of in Intarángul?
An Intarángul word is made of a root, and morphemes.
The morphemes can be classified in two big groups: the derivative morphemes (prefixes and suffixes) and the grammatical morphemes (gender of animate objects, number and verb conjugations). Let's review what every morpheme is about.

1.2.1. Prefixes: a morpheme with a meaning added at the start of the word that can create a word derived of the root.
1.2.2. Suffixes: a morpheme with a meaning added at the end of the word that can create a word derived of the root.
1.2.3. Gender of animate objects: a morpheme added at the end of the noun that says if the animate objects it's either masculine, feminine, or doesn't have any gender at all (neuter).
1.2.4. Number: a morpheme added right after the gender of a noun morpheme that conveys information of how many objects are there (singular, dual, plural or trial in some specific dialects)
1.2.5. Verb conjugation: a morpheme added at the end of the verb that describes the person, number and tense used in the verb (first interal singular present, fourth dual conditional, second informal plural future...)

1.3. What parts of speech exists in Intarángul?

There are 8 parts of speech, although some people might say there are 7 for a reason explained in 1.3.7.

1.3.1. Noun (variable)
1.3.2. Adjective (doesn't agree on noun, unvariable)
1.3.3. Determiner (agrees on noun, variable)
1.3.4. Pronoun (agrees and replaces the noun, variable)
1.3.5. Adverb (unvariable)
1.3.6. Pre/Posposition (unvariable, the place in the sentence, before as a preposition or after as a posposition, changes depending of the choice of the speaker)
1.3.7. Replacer (replaces direct, indirect and circunstancial complements of the verb, sometimes included in the pronoun part of speech although in a separate category, unvariable)
1.3.7. Conjunction (unvariable, has no meaning yet has a specific use)

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