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Kawuiian Government
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Guide to understanding law and governance in the Kawuiian Confederation
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 16 Jul 2018, 21:36.

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As is known by many, Kawui is a tribal confederacy due to certain events in the nations history. Due to this fact, many will be surprised when they travel to Kawui, due to the strange nature of Kawuiian law. This guide will help to make Kawui much easier to travel to and live in for foreigners.

The Tribes
Kawui, as said, is a confederation of tribes. In Kawui, there are six tribes, each having sovereignty over their respective islands.

The tribes are as follows:
  • Kaui
  • Heia
  • Tapui
  • Kahui
  • Malaui
  • Akui

The Alei is the head of governance for their respective tribe. Each tribe has their own procedure for selecting their Alei, but most are run by a heir-based system. Despite the selection process, the Kawuiian constitution makes it clear that any Alei, regardless of tribe, may be removed by a 2/3 vote of their respective tribal diet, or by a majority vote of their tribe’s populace. The Alei is able to put into place legislation for there tribe, which can only be vetoed by their tribal diet (if they have one), or by a 2/3 vote of the tribal populace. The Alei has strict authority over all internal and international business of their tribe.

The Keile is a position that has existed in Kawui since its creation in 1761. The Keile is the representative head of state of the Kawuiian Confederation, and has absolute authority over international representation of the confederation and over the Kawuiian Military. Despite his/her control of the militaristic affairs of Kawui, the Keile does not have authority to violate the sovereign affairs of the Alei, when it comes internal and tribal affairs, unless an emergency situation is in place or international agreements are being violated. If the Keile is acting outside of his/her authority, then the Kawuiian populace has the right to remove the Keile by whatever means are seen as acceptable.

Kawuiian Diet
The Kawuiian Diet (Kauilui: Kauileihakui, or KLHK) is the group of advisors to the Keile. This council is made up of the Alei of the 6 tribe, and is responsible of updating the Keile of the internal affairs of Kawui. In addition to the mandatory members of the Alei, the Keile can add honorary members to the Diet with the unanimous approval of the Alei. Although this body does not have legitimate power over national legislation, it has the ability to bring heavy influence over the Keile, as well as acting as forum of discussion for the Alei.

Tribal Diet
Tribal diets are popular in the Kawuiian tribes, and as of 2018, every tribe has a tribal diet. Every tribal diet is different, but all generally have the power to introduce tribal legislation with approval of the Alei. They also have the absolute ability to remove the Alei, with 2/3 vote, although this is uncommon.

Judicial power lie within the authority of each tribe. Every tribe is required to establish a judicial system in their charters via the Kawuiian constitution. Most tribes, with the exception of Kahui, have a judiciary separate from the Alei and tribal diet. Kahui on the other hand, due to its long traditions and small populace, has the Alei act as the judiciary for major crimes, although a separate court is made for smaller offenses. The only exception to the above is in the case of national security, which is decided by the Keile and the National Diet.

Due to Kawui’s agreement to human rights resolutions, most harsh punishments are illegal, including slavery and unusual punishments. Despite this, the death penalty is still legal in Kahui, Akui, and Heia. Although this is true, the death penalty has not been used since 1978, as of 2018. Fines and jail time are the most common forms of punishment. The amount of fines and jail time depend on the tribe.

International crime
Those persons who break Kawuiian laws in Kawui without Kawuiian citizenship will be incarcerated and tried in Kawui like any other citizen of Kawui. If the foreign is found guilty, they are to serve their sentence in Kawui, after which the will be sent back to their home country.

Work and study visas are available in many of the Kawuiian tribes, and most are easily applicable if the foreigner has the ability to live in Kawui for 6 months. Travel visas are even more easy to receive, with most lasting for up to 6 months. Many countries have visa-free agreements with the Kawuiian Confederation.
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