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Proto-Hel to Modern Jano
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Summary of sound changes from Proto-Hel to modern Jano
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 23 Feb 2023, 09:53.

[Public] ? ?
2. History ? ?
3. Jano ? ?
Menu 1. Key 2. From HLP to Middle Jano 3. From Middle Jano to JOS

C: consonant
F: fricative
N: nasal
S: plosive
V: vowel
X: any sound

[edit] [top]From  Proto Hel to Middle Jano

    ʔ → ∅ 1
    {dʲ gʲ} → ɟ
    ð → z
    ðʲV → ʑ
    j → ʝ / V_V
    {kʲ, tʲ} → c
    lʲ → ʎ
    xʲ → ç
    þ → s
    þʲ → ɕ
    tʰ → t͡s
    tʰʲ → cʰ
    dʱ → d͡z
    kʰ → k͡x
    gʱ → g͡ɣ
    ə(ː) → ∅ / F/S_N; N_F/S; F_F2
    u → w / _V
    i → j / _V
    iː → i; iː in stressed syllables
    aw → oː
    aj → eː
    əw → uː
    əj → i; j _V
    Cʷa → Cɔ
    Cʷə → Cu
    Cʲa → Cɛ
    Cʲə → Ci
    ə → a
    əː → aː

[edit] [top]From Middle Jano to  Jano

    ɟ → ʝ
    cʰ → c͡ç
    u → ɯ
    w → ɰ
    ŋ → ∅ / #_, n
    r → r̥ / (C[-voice])X_ / _X(C[-voice])
    h → ∅ /V_V / x _S
    {uj, iw} → y; > yː in stressed syllables
    {uj, iw} → ɥ / _V
    Cː → C
    r → s / _#
    ʔa → ɛa (rarely)
    ja → jɛ
    wa → wɔ

1 C(ʲ)(ʷ)ʔV1 →C(ʲ)(ʷ)V1
2Since germination is not possible, if the fricative are the same, one will be deleted.

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