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The Ardosent
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A brief overview of the ardosent.
This private article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 14 Sep 2017, 17:20.

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Ardósent (a collective noun, singular: ardós, plural: ardósa) is a term used to describe cover agents or mercenaries in  Unknown country [QLF]. The main function of the ardósent was espionage initially but it quickly became to include assassination and sabotage as well - in effect, they were organised assassins and spies. The known origins of the ardósent trace to the political strife between the Laefevian Empire and the Colian Empire, the latter collapsing in 800 CE. According to the records, the first ardósent guilds emerged shorty before that, in the 700s CE.

Over time, the first guilds became stronger. There were numerous guilds throughout Laefevia, and even ardósent schools (although not named as such officially). Domestically (in Laefevia), the peak was around end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century; and the ardósent are also often deemed responsible for the fall of the Late Dynasty, Laefevia becoming a republic and then a monarchy (New Dynasty) again. After that, the ardósent became more known to non-Laefevian royalty and nobility in the neighbouring countries, and the ardósent were hired by foreign nobility more and more frequently. Even before that, however, foreign nobles were known to hire ardósent, although only those with connection to Laefevian nobility.

Another peak activity, this time more international, was between the 1600s and 1750s. However, due to increasing external requests and internal tensions between various guilds, attacks and assassinations between the guilds themselves became increasingly common in the 18th century. The Laefevian government officially finally decided to put an end to ardósent guilds in 1753, and by mid-1800s, they were all but eliminated.
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on 14/09/17 17:200[Deactivated User]No longer public
on 26/07/16 01:07+30[Deactivated User]stuff
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