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Quenya Phonotactics
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Describes Quenya's phonotactics
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 7 Jul 2021, 19:45.

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[edit] [top]quenya Phonotactics

has a restricted phonotactive structure and complicated morphological rules to give the language it's elegant sound.
consonant clusters can only occur inside a word. (intervocalic)

Quenya's initial phonemes are:
c f h hl hr hw hy l m n ñ ñw ny p qu r s t ty v w y þ*

Vowels and diphtongues can occur at any location if they obey the long and short syllables rules:
a e i o u á é í ó ú ai au eu iu oi ui

Intervocalic consonants are:
c f h hw hy l m n ny p qu r s t ty v w y
ly my ry sy z zy þ
fy py vy and þy aren't attested but can be included because of the my phoneme

cc ht lc lv/lb ld lk ll lm lp lqu lt lw mb mm mn mp nc nd ng nn nqu nt nty pp ps pt rc rd rm rn rp rqu rr rs rt rv rw rþ ss sc sp st sty ts tt tw v w cs þþ
ngw þw sw squ are clusters while qu and hw are single consonants
lmy hty lpy lby ldy lty mby mny mpy pty rdy rmy rny rpy rsy rty rvy rþy spy ny/ndy
it's not certain if palatization is allowed in clusters. It is not allowed in combination with long consonants
ff hh don't appear

The final consonants are very limited:
l n r s t
Clusters only occur when it is grammatically allowed (suffixes)


Quenya's initial phonemes are:
c f h hl hr hw hy l m n ñ ñw ny p qu r s t ty v w y þ*

Vowels and diphtongues can occur at any location if they obey the long and short syllables rules:
a e i o u á é í ó ú ai au eu iu oi ui

Intervocalic consonants are:
c f h hw hy l m n ny p qu r s t ty v w y
ly my ry sy z zy þ
fy py vy and þy aren't attested but can be included because of the my phoneme

cc ht lc lv/lb ld lk ll lm lp lqu lt lw mb mm mn mp nc nd ng nn nqu nt nty pp ps pt rc rd rm rn rp rqu rr rs rt rv rw rþ ss sc sp st sty ts tt tw v w x þþ
ngw þw sw squ are clusters while qu and hw are single consonants
lmy hty lpy lby ldy lty mby mny mpy pty rdy rmy rny rpy rsy rty rvy rþy spy ny/ndy
it's not certain if palatization is allowed in clusters. It is not allowed in combination with long consonants
ff hh don't appear

x = cs *s

The final consonants are very limited:
l n r s t
Clusters only occur when it is grammatically allowed (suffixes)

*þ is pronounced s

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