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Gender in Maran
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The species that speaks Mârantasea, Planté, have three biological sexes and therefore three trinary genders.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 12 Mar 2024, 23:46.

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Like plants sometimes do, Planté have three sexes: male, female, and hermaphrodites. In Maran, these sexes/genders are called etiyas, vañas, and jiñas respectively. Within Maran culture, these genders are entirely seperate, with their own associated gender roles, stereotypes, clothing, socialization, etc. Jiñas are just as gendered as man and woman and are in no way considered gender neutral.

However, Marans still recognize the gender spectrum. Non-trinary people are wildly recognized in Maran culture as valid and real. Marans also have gender-non-conforming people (people who dress and act in ways not typical of their gender.) To Marans, true gender neutrality comes from falling perfectly in the middle of the "gender triangle" if you will. Despite this, they still recognize forms of gender defiance from being between masc and fem, etc.

In Maran culture, transgender and non-trinary people are revered. In the Maran religion, the gods are believed to be gendered but sexless. The big three gods are one etiyas, one vañas, and one jiñas, but they are all sexless. As a result, Marans view those whose gender does not match their sex as being closer to the gods. Most Maran priests, monks/nuns, and those who tend to temples and important ceremonies are trans/non-trinary.

Despite open acceptance of non-trinary/trans people, Maran society is still very gendered and drag/gender-non-conformirty is less accepted. If you dress outside of gender boundaries, many people (especially elders) will expect you to identify as trans or non-trinary, especially if you aren't simultaneously going for a religious career. Otherwise you will probably get some dirty looks for not complying to the "natural order." However, younger generations are much more excepting of gender-non-conformirty, it's really just religious fanatics and old people.
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