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Menu 1. Honorifics
[edit] [top]Honorifics

Pashkish uses honorifics. There's a bunchton of them. They're prefixed at the noun.
Below I list every single one of them.

крао- ['kräo] – used exclusively to refer to the king
баи- ['bäi] – used to refer to people with a higher class than you (but not the king)
ису- ['icu] – used to refer to elder people in your close family; affectionate; if used referring to a young person it's like saying she looks old (very slighty offensive unless used in a joking manner)
жуу- ['ʝu:] – used to refer to younger people in your close family; affectionate
рке- ['rke] – used to refer to people of around your age in your close family; also used to refer very affectionely to people outside your close family
иска- ['ickä] – used to refer to elder people in everyday life (outside your close family or elder strangers)
жука- ['ʝukä] – used to refer to younger people in everyday life (outside your close family or younger strangers)
рккеe- ['rk:e:] – used to refer to people of around your age in everyday life (outside your close family or around the same age strangers)
тсще- ['tc͡çe] – very affectionate honorific, used to refer to your significant other
осеро- ['oce.ɾo] – respectful honorific, used to refer to your employees or people of lower class than you; can be offensive if used incorrectly
утше- ['utçe] – respectful honorific, used to refer to your students if you're a teacher; slightly offensive if used incorrectly
геге- ['] – used to refer to your friends
гаге- ['] – used to refer to acquantainces (like talking to someone in a bus)
зщо- ['ɟ͡ʝo] – weird thing: this is used to refer to pets, like dogs, cats, lizards, etc. It's offensive if used to a person (it's like calling her a dog or something).
зу- ['ɟu] – weird thing: this is a negative "honorific"; mostly used in verbal fights, it's like saying she is a bitch or something; very disrespectful
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