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Old Numbers in Souderish
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Old Number system of Souderish, for fun
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 15 Oct 2015, 20:42.

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Menu 1. How are numbers displayed in Souderish 2. Numbers to 999 3. Numbers Above 999 4. Numbers Above 999999 5. Numbers above 999999999 6. Numbers in range 0 to 1
[edit] [top]How are numbers displayed in Souderish
Numbers in souderish are shown a very simmilar way they are in Greek and Gothic. By using letters as amounts and adding them together!
[edit] [top]Numbers to 999
Here is how the basic numbers work... Numbers are read from right to left, from smaller to bigger.


To indicate the number, you surround three captials letters in dots or a dash
H being Hundered (100,200...900)
D being Decade (10,20...90)
N being Number(1,2...9)
An overline/underline adds 3 zeros (A = 1000)
A line seperating 2 6s of numbers (A\ = 1000000)
These do stack and go in order of Overline, Line, Overline, Line...

1 = -A-
40 = -M-
81 = -PA-
100 = -R-
152 = -RNB-
586 = -FPQ-

[edit] [top]Numbers Above 999
To indicate you are writing in thousands, you write an overline, or an underline above the letter to indicate a thousand.

1875 = -AOUE-
27181 = -KZRPI-
981258 = -ÐPISNH-

[edit] [top]Numbers Above 999999
You seperate the millions with a line.

1875000 = -A\OUE-
27181000 = -KZ\RPI-
981258000 = -ÐPI\SNH-

[edit] [top]Numbers above 999999999
These are the last numbers I will demonstrate. What you do is what you did with thousands, you underline the millions.

1875000000 = -AOUE\-
2147483647 = -BRMZ\WPGXMZ-
27181000000 = -KZRPI\-
981258000000 = -ÐPISNH\-

[edit] [top]Numbers in range 0 to 1
Decimals are written as miniscule letters, they are written at the very end of a number, seperated by a decimal point ( "," or ".") and function pretty much the same, with ' being the seperator for six zeros and the value indicators (under/overlines and seperators) are written left to right, instead of right to left, as they in this case indicate more zeros behind the decimal mark. Zeros behind a number become flipped and indicate how many zeros there are infront of the decimal. (ex. w = 0,004; i = 0,01; b = 0,2)

n is a tenth
d is a hundredth
h is a thousandth
0,5 = -,e-
0,2147483647 = -,biwzmo'wjgz-
2147483647,2147483647 = -BRMZ\WPGXMZ,biwzmo'wjgz-
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