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A description of the island and world this language is set in
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 15 Nov 2018, 17:36.

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Ashluwamu is spoken by a fictional group of people completely isolated on a mountainous tropical island.

The planet the island exists on is just like earth, only the oxygen levels are much higher and the crust contains more silicon. The oxygen-rich atmosphere allows for creatures and fires to get bigger and deadlier. This, paired with the silicon-rich earth, most of the rocks on earth are made up of translucent quartz or quartz-based minerals.

The island this culture/language is set on is a severely vertical, tropical island composed mostly of aerated basalt and translucent obsidian. At the centre of the island are several steep mountains in a circular pattern sloping down to the flat meadows and glistening black beaches below. Nested in the middle of the ring of mountain tops is a large basin formed by the sides of the mountains. This basin is filled with freshwater deposited by rainfall blown in by eastern winds. The freshwater in the basin seeps through the crevices where the mountains, which form the walls of the basin, aren't close enough together to stop the water from pouring out in the form of waterfalls. These waterfalls supply the western, rain-shadowed meadows with the water they need to support life.

The main inhabitants of the island live primarily in the shady western meadows mentioned above. They live off a diet high in saltwater fish and various fruits found in the rainforests that scale the mountainsides. Due to the lack of rain caused by the mountains, the meadows are almost completely infertile. The crucial source of water in the meadows comes solely from the mountain streams which pour from the basin above. This distinct lack of water means the meadow can only support a few varieties of short grasses and trees.

The speakers of this language are a people rich in community and traditions. History and stories are heavily valued as a way to connect and way to educate. It is believed among the group that there were 9 divine beings that were the original inhabitants of the island. These originals gave birth to children and spawned six families. One of these children left and isolated themselves on top of the mountain basin, leaving only five families in the meadow. Each family is in charge of maintaining a specific aspect of the island's culture. To avoid inbreeding, men will be married into another family, leaving their family and their old jobs.

Creation Story
At first there we two beings, twins of solid light, Aji and Aki. Born into existence in a flash of blinding light, they had no parents, no predecessors, they were the originals, the creators. Competitive and petty, the two equals were caught in an eternal struggle to outdo the other. Aki made the earth, molten and bright, in the image of themselves. Aji, wanting to contribute and outdo their sibling, covered it with water, turning the fiery marble to stone. Aki manifested their anger by expanding the core from the inside, creating valleys and craters. Desperately trying to make it up to Aki, Aji filled the craters with water, falsely thinking it would turn to stone as it did originally. Aki, still furious, attacked Aji. Aji was shattered into stars, leaving only a cold grey core. Aja* was still alive though, weaker, but living, however, Aki was not aware of this. Sickened with guilt at what they had done, Aki promised to care and maintain what their twin created. From Aki's maternal light, some of the fragments of Aja that fell upon the earth upon shattering sprouted grass and trees which dotted the landscape. The ones that did not become plants became animals and birds. Aja was awestruck at the beauty of these living beings, enticed by the nature of these living, connected beings. Wanting to contribute one last thing to this planet, Aja took chunks from themselves and patted it around several small stars; it's from these seeds that humans were born. These first beings were able to manipulate and control certain aspects of their environment, but this ability faded as the population grew.
* -post shattered Aji is referred to as Aja

Island Family Tree
Twelve of the seeds were planted on this island. A year passed as complex structures of flesh and bone sprouted from the core of the seeds. As the stars inside started to reach the limits of their growth, the creatures they formed started to stir in the holes they dug with their expanding forms. Upon exiting their earthy wombs, the bipeds began exploration of their environment. They each quickly found some aspect of the island that called to them and slowly mastered control of it. They paired up and used their combined talents and knowledge to better themselves as a group and make the island more hospitable. Six families spawned from these partnerships and through the generations the job they made has been given onto the children as they reach adulthood(age 12).
Fishing: Sow4ji(Master of salt water) and Tohoje(Master of stone)
Building: Lusyje(Master of grass) and W1je(Master of air)
Farming: Kwerune(Master of decay) and Suraji(Master of streams)
Cooking: K3w1je(Master of heat) and Tosyje(Master of sand)
Weaving: Mohaje(Master of thamolu) and Tekiluje(Master of sticks)
Hunting: Kahoje(Master of glass) and M3wuje(Master of animals)
But all was far from well. Anger was bubbling up as Tohoje, W1je, Suraji, and Kwerune grow restless in annoyance with the monotony of the current system. Eventually, the four of them had enough decided to leave and explore the rest of the island, leaving behind their, now fully grown, children. The four of them formed their own society on the banks of the mountain basin.
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