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Stagean Scripts
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Which is the official script? It's disputed!
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 11 Mar 2019, 20:13.

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Currently, Stagean uses two scripts: Cyrillic and Latin. However, it is disputed which is the official script. Some linguists, including Mark Stankov (Марк Станков) and Emerson Meyer (Емерсон Мејер) argued that Cyrillic script is the official. Even the president of Germany claimed that Stagean's official script is Latin. However, Stageans living in the USA pressured Donald Trump (Доналд Трамп) to tell which is the official script. Trump said Latin is official script, according to a tweet in his Twitter. According to a survey conducted by New Daily Times (Нау Дакли Титен) the people said that 32% said Cyrillic is the official script, 65% said Latin is the official script, however 3% said that both are official. However, according to Stagean Language Society, both are official scripts.
Now, game developers from 1990s to today use Latin script, but some include both scripts to be selected and rarely, some provide Cyrillic only. Even in Pokémon (Покэмон), its games offers both scripts. Nintendo uses Latin in their games.
Cyrillic is often used by traditional and formal purposes, while the most common script is Latin. Some musicians refuse to give up Cyrillic script, and Latin is used when in passports and other important papers.
Around 1730, Michael Düssen (Михаил Дуссен) (now Михьаил Даусен) invented the Latin script, but it was rarely used. The common still preferred Cyrillic. In 1960s, many younger people adopted Latin as their script. From 1950, Cyrillic use was 99.4%. In 2010, it dropped into 11.2%. It is predicted to drop to 8.8% by 2020.
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