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Prefixes & Suffixes
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The second lesson of Mmm
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Menu 1. Suffixes 2. Prefixes
Here is the second lesson of Mmm! In this lesson, you'll learn the suffixes and prefixes of Mmm.
[edit] [top]Suffixes

Suffixes in Mmm are less complicated than prefixes, so you'll learn these first.

-'ṃ̊/ʔm̥:/Nouns (All)m̏mḿ'ṃ̊ (Book)
-ṃ̇̋/m̋::/Adjectivesṁṃ̇̋ (Delicious/Tasty)
-ṁ̏/m̏ˑ/Verbsm̀ṃ̇́'ṁ̀ḿ'ṃ̇̋ṁ̏ (harmonise)
-ṃ/mː/Proper nouns (Languages)mḿṃ (Mmm)
-ḿ/ḿ/Proper nouns (Names)mm̆'ḿ (John)

Other Things
  • Interjections go at the end of words. For example, "Yes John" translated in Mmm is "mm̆'ḿṃ̆ṁ́".
  • Any question will add -ṁṁ̆ at the end of the question, as a separate word (not attached to anything). This does not replace the question mark.

[edit] [top]Prefixes

m̏-/m̏/Masculine Nounsm̏mḿ'ṃ̊ (Book)
m̋-/m̋/Feminine Nounsm̋ɱ'ṃ̊ (Mouse)
m-/m/Neuter Nounsmṃ̇m'ṃ̊ (Menu)
ḿ-/ḿ/Theḿmṃ̇m'ṃ̊ (The menu)
ṃ́-/ḿ:/A/Anṃ́m̏mḿ'ṃ̊ (A book)
ṁ̏ɱ-/m̏ˑɱ/Past-tenseṁ̏ɱṃ̇̏ṁ̏ (did)
ṁ̏ɱ̣-/m̏ˑɱ:/Future-tensem̀ṃ̇́ɱ̋ṁ̏ṃ̀ (let us)
ṃ̑-/m̌:/Plant Speciesṁ̋ṁ̑ṃ̊m̠'ṃ̊ (Taraxacum)
ṃ̑ṃ̋-/m̌:m̋/Tree Speciesɱɱ̣̑ɱ̣̋ṃ̊ḿ'ṃ̊ (Banana tree)

Other Things
  • If the species is from the Eastern Hemisphere, you make the prefix a ɱ. Accents are kept and no other letter is changed.
  • If the species is from the Western Hemisphere, you leave it how it is.
  • If the species is from multiple hemispheres, you make the prefix half as long (◌̇).
  • If the species is not from Earth, then you make the m double as long (◌̣̇).

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