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Lesson #1
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Declension of nouns (Particles)
This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 29 Aug 2017, 18:40.

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So yesterday I was looking at my noun declension chart. OH NO! GAH! You may think its conjugations, but, its actually SO many particles, just even for the nouns! When do I use them?
Well, luckily I have my trustee notepad where I put everything, so here I will explain it.
Basically it goes as this:
The POL, (FAM and PL) declensions are self-explanatory. Used for talking to older people, and used mainly in statements (e.g. kid talking to parent, student talking to teacher, adult talking to an elder, etc.) The POL, CORP, is a particle, only used for talking over the phone, in a group chat, or online ((somewhere where you're not actually talking to the person), proves something is real; and can be used by anyone, not specific).
The I column, can be used by anyone as well. CORP rules don't apply in interjections, and therefore can be interchangeable with FAM (for talking in person, or online).
The VULG (FAM and PL) is ONLY used with people you know, (e.g. A friend to a friend, like bro slang), or used by people commiting crimes and/or fighting about things and issues, (physical, political or mental) (may also be used by officials to make them understand not to mess with the rules). The VULG, CORP, can be used at times when you're trying to explain something to someone, and they aren't getting it (depending). Can also be used online by friends in a chat, or calling another friend. (teens these days lol). VULG CANNOT be used anywhere else.
And finally, the Ø column, is used by government officials, and higher offices, and in diplomatic relations, also can be seen on official documents, and this is also used by the presidents of Salaku in their many speeches, whether it is to their fellow officials, or to the common people. Commonly only used in the capital of Salaku. (Commoners really dont use this, for three reasons, it is really unheard of for someone to be using formal speech in everyday conventional conversation, and also because it degrades the quality of this declension, and as well as that they aren't taught it until when they are allowed to vote).
The declensions with no dash are the particles, and are to be placed at the end of sentences, or nouns, where it matters the most. The three that do attach to nouns, has to be placed before the noun, as it is stated.
These declensions apply to every noun, and there are no exceptions. Now it seems intimidating at first (also since I like to write a lot, but you'll probably get the hang of it, because of its straightforwardness).
Whew, now time to do the others.
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