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History of Revanta
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Starting as a vassal of Kethlaihl, declaring independence, collapsing into several clans, uniting facing the threat of the colonialists.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 10 Dec 2017, 23:30.

This article has been marked as out of date. There's a possibility that some information is incorrect.

The very beginning
As you can guess, if we go back to the ancient times, before Christ and 475 years later too, there were mostly just different tribes not related to the future conquerors of the land of what's now known as Revanta. There were clans, but they weren't that clearly seperated. But after Kethlaithl started building towns and settlements around that area, they slowly started losing control of the land.
The Northern Settlements of The Kingdom of Kethlaithl were recognized as a partially autonomos vassal of Kethlaithl in the beginning of the 4th century, which soon led to organized resistance against the numerous Kethlaithlic soldiers who were sent to raid their vassal, as it was custom during that time. The most important resistance was formed by Irnade Qiliempa in the southern region. During that time, Maggtism spread from Vermut, which was to become the capital of Revanta. Irnade embraced Maggtism in his own way and managed to fight back Kethlaithl with the help of his brethren from Vermut and the Ghaham tribes from the west, who have just allied Vermut.
It didn't take long until K'arempa Tyhorm Vyrqae betrayed Irnade and conquered the remaining land, taking it under his control, forming a new, absolutistic government, the Maggtum Revanta.
Thus, the very first Maggat of Revanta climbed the bloody ladder towards the throne...and finally declared independence after a long period of wars between the former Kethlaithl and the rising Maggtum Revanta.

Map of Revanta during the rise of the Maggtum Revanta after defeating Irnade's kingdom of Ishfal.


Maggat and the Maggt
As K'arempa Tyhorm Vyrqae became the first king of Revanta, he called himself "Maggat", so a person close to the Maggt (the "God" of Revanta's religion). After him many others followed - who, for about hundred years, continued to have a lot of trouble with Kethlaithl. In 350, the king of Kethlaithl, G'rej qa-Qiijim, claimed Kethlaithl and all its surroundings to be part of the Great Empire of Kethlaithl. As you've seen above, in around 475 that Empire started to fall apart due to the wealthy tribes and clans declaring independence from Kethlaithl. This was quite revolutionary, as Amqai for example only declared its independence in 892.

The time went by for the Maggtat Revanta, until Gjerenpa Reedaj Matenna, the last Maggat, whose tyrannic dictatorship resulted in civil war and the fall of monarchy in 1491. The tension which led to the end of the absolutic Maggat was fueled in 1459, when Irgga published her and Ined's work on the religion of Maggtism and therefore brought up a new perspective on an average person's meaning and his authority - because the most important authority became Ined and Irgga's Doctrines. When Matenna was executed, the leaders of the revolution decided to split Revanta into its clans:

Onashdej 1. Power, religious, artistic (Irgga was born in that region)
Ýfjatdej 1. Power, financially and militaristically powerful (Ined was born in that region)
Gravandej 2. Power, agricultural power
Kechjatdej 2. Power, nickname "Black Revanta" (lots of work and later mining) --> biggest part
Maggdej 3. Power, religious fanatics --> smallest part
Unshanivdej 3. Power, Savoriids (religious minority which became important in 1580)

(There once was a great clan before 475 which was called "Irnad", but it was forgotten and, especially for Kechjatdej and Gravandej, an insult to Revanta's prestige. Irnad cannot be released as a vassal when the game starts (1444), but it can be released by rebels.)

The fall of Kechjatdej / Kechnýki
Kechjatdej was often envied by other clans as it had a lot of resources to use and was the biggest territory inside Revanta. Until 1580, when the leader of Kechjatdej, Dachmapa Turenmyj Ngalen, died without having chosen a heir of the throne. The result was a military intervention by Ýfjatdej, which felt in need of more territory and the working force of the former "Black Revanta". The other clans joined in and looted the place which had only very little control of its people back then.
During that time, Tormenpa Týgormaj Hyronash - usually refered to as "Tormenpa" - criticised the behaviour of the clans, which instead of helping Kechjatdej decided to profit from it as long as possible. He was a known and quite popular man, but he made himself enemies among the other clans. He also blamed the church for not adjusting the Doctrines to prevent more war, as Ined and Irgga didn't cover the case of a genocide among their own people.
His most important opinion was that people should be able to rule themselves through education, religion and comprehension, because as seen in the case of Kechjatdej, a missing leader results in chaos and death due to the people not being able to control themselves.
The only clan-leader who accepted him was Týschtapa from Unshanivdej. She didn't agree to his revolutionary concept of governance but decided to send her troops to guard the citizens of Kechjatdej instead of joining the raid.
Tormenpa was so eager about leading the troops to victory that he tried all he could to unite the warriors in every way possible. The morale of his troops was the only thing he could be proud of, because the amount of warriors was still not enough to stop the rest of Revanta. Every man who fought by his side received a warpaint on his face and became a part of the "Savoriid"-movement (literally "never sins"). Even though Tormenpa died in the war, and most of his fellowship too, the clans decided to give one of the biggest cities in Kechjatdej to Týschtapa and never attack her people again - but only after Black Revanta was conquered by all the other leaders.
The city, Mijaratein, became the core of the new religious "Savoriid"-movement, in which every member tried to follow Tormenpa's ideas by achieving knowledge, comprehension and the feeling of unity (which is also shown by them wearing the exact same warpaints as the original "Savoriids").

HOW TO: Become Revanta
Finally, eventually, in 1733, Revanta united to a constitutional monarchy due to their fear of becoming weak among the other, cruel states surrounding it. The clans dissapeared, but are still mentioned when talking about different regions of Revanta. In 1898, the monarchy once again vanished, leaving behind a not-so-democratic Democracy with a president at its top.
The last president was Ifjane Teremoshachgapa, member of the RZD in Revanta.

Thanks for reading (or not)!

PS: The white (or in the last picture golden) spot in the north at the coast is Revanta's capital, Vermut, which never belonged to any clan as it was the former residence of the Maggat and was always considered a holy city which was led by its own mayor.
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