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how to ask and answer
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 22 Jan 2019, 23:51.

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For all "fill in the blank" questions, additional grammatical persons exist. These exist in a few question forms to meet some basic needs and may be combined with other words to help ask for precise answers, for example: "what is barking?" can be refined to "what dog is barking?", the only difference in this language would be the attaching of the word "dog" to the word meaning "what". The reason this is possible is explained in greater detail here, in the section on nouns. This can also be used ask "when", as "what time", and "where", as "what place"
The next basic form is the more specific word, with a meaning close to "which", which implies that the question is asking for an answer among a known or limited set of answers. Beyond that, it behaves in the same way as the "what" form.
Finally, there is the basic binary question of whether or not a statement is true: "this did happen" -> "did this happen?". To do this, (NEED METHOD, OR TO RULE OUT)

For both binary questions "did this happen" and "did this not happen" the answer would be "happened" if it did, and "not happened" if it didn't. Remember that verbal mood includes a real and a negative (did, didn't), and often this will be how answers are formulated. Time tense is generally to be ignored, and can be reduced to a single instance of "to be", preferably one from the original composition. Similarly, the verb "to do" is accepted as the answer's verb if the question has one clear and central verb that would be used to make the answer, and you will find "yes" and "no" in the dictionary as translating to "did" and "didn't".
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