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Villager Numerals & Lexical Stack Size
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This private article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 2 Jan 2023, 19:35.

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The Villager dialect uses a base-64 system, with an embedded semi-base 4 system. (e.g. 8 is "two fours", 12 is "three fours", etc.)
What these numbers actually mean depends on the stack size of the noun, which is lexical.
Stack size comes in three varieties: singular (1), paucal (16), and plural (64).

Singularly stacked nouns are counted in increments of 64. Anything smaller than that signifies a fraction.
Paucally stacked nouns are counted in increments of 4. Anything smaller than that signifies a fraction.
Plurally stacked nouns are counted in increments of 1.

To indicate fractions of plurally stacked nouns or large amounts of singularly stacked ones, there's a neat trick that can be used. By turning the noun into an adjective, differently-stacked pronouns can be used. So for instance, 1/64th of a piece of redstone would become 1 piece of redstone.ADJAdjectival
3Third person (person)
neither speaker nor addressee
.STKUnknown code.SGSingular (number)
one countable entity
. That basically means "one part of an unstackable redstone-like thing."

For things that can be held in the inventory, the corresponding noun's lexical stack size is usually the same as the item's maximum stack size.
For other nouns, it's not always clear. Typically, the more something occurs, the larger the lexical stack size will be, but this is not a hard rule. For instance, moon phases are paucally stacked even though there's only one moon, which is due to the moon phases making the moon look a little different each night.

Number agreement has some quirks as well:
Singularly stacked items are treated as singular until 64, and as plural otherwise.
Paucally stacked items are only singular until 4, then paucal until 64, and plural otherwise.
Plurally stacked items are always treated as plural, even when there's only 1 of them.
This is because a stack size of 16 was introduced after stack sizes of 64 and 1, and paucal agreement emerged along with that change.
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