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On Uerdau
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The origins, and general distribution of Uerdau
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 19 Feb 2024, 05:47.

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Uerdau*, also known as High Paterbonic, Liturgical Palerlrani, or Scholar’s Tongue, is a liturgical and prestige language in the Palerlrani language group. As of 473 AV, Uerdau serves as the ecclesiastical and scholastic lingua franca of West Aimya and portions of Central Aimya. Uerdau is widely seen as the language of state, religion, and literature in West Aimya, and is the language that the vast majority of texts produced are written in. Literacy in Uerdau varies depending on region, social status, and the mother tongue of the speaker. As of 473 AV, there is no extant community of native speakers of Uerdau, despite it being commonly used and taught across West Aimya. Though the vast majority of people have had some form of exposure to Uerdau, and therefore have a limited degree of understanding, actual fluency in Uerdau is relatively rare. With true fluency being limited mainly to clergy, scholars, and state officials. Paterbon has by far the highest fluency rate, with as of 473 AV approx. 9 - 14% of the population being partially fluent in Uerdau, mainly due to Uerdau being so closely related and semi-intelligible to Contemporary Paterbonic, and to a lesser extent Mikklish Creole, it also shares similarities (though usually unintelligible) to other Palerlrani Languages such as Obbqani, Hteimari, Samiynic, and Rhaenyllic. Obbqan has a partial fluency rate of approx. 2 - 3.5%; Hteimar, a rate of approx. 1 - 2%; Rhaenyll, a rate of approx. 0.5%; Samiyn, a rate of approx. 0.3%; and for Arzadan a rate of approx. 0.1%; whilst fluency in other regions is practically negligible. This marks a general decrease in Uerdau fluency across West Aimya, with Paterbon holding a fluency rate of nearly 30% during the 200s AV, a rate which has steadily declined as the Palerlrani Languages further diverge from Late Palerlrani, and as orders such as the Pascionariat increasingly use Paterbonic, or even Mikklish, as their organizational language instead of Uerdau. Of the various Palerlrani Languages, Uerdau is the one that retains the most linguistic similarity with Late Palerlrani; however it still differs in numerous instances concerning lexicon and grammar, despite what is commonly believed. Uerdau contains significant dialectical variation, and may be divided primarily into six major dialects, Standard Uerdau (Lorhreun), Obbqani Uerdau (Marhqncheitn), Rhaenyllic Uerdau (Rheinktn), Samiynic Uerdau (Qeuqdeu), Hteimari Uerdau (Xdaimreun), and Arzadanic Uerdau (Arhztn)
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