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Pluralization in Thorrish
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How to pluralize!
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 11 Feb 2023, 17:27.

[Public] ? ?
3. Verbs ? ?

Nouns in Thorrish follow simple pluralization rules. While some are irregular and subject to umlaut, most follow two simple patterns:

Most nouns take -en or -n in the plural, depending on whether they do or don't end in a vowel respectively. This will be the pluralization of the vast majority of words. This is also the plural form of all adjectives.

Ex: fish -> fishen, triw -> triwen, good -> gooden
(fish, tree, good)

The second most common plural ending is -s. Nouns ending in a "weak syllable" will take a final -s.
Weak syllables include:
-le, -el, -er, -en, -em (NOTE: this does not apply to words ending in silent E, such as "gale" or "steele." It only applies to word-final syllabic consonants specifically.)

Ex: foghle -> foghles, apple -> apples, beaken -> beakens, baker -> bakers
(bird, apple, beacon, baker)

Some notable exceptions include words such as fole, dogg, hwelp, catt, etc.
(foal, dog, puppy, cat)

A small subset of words take the ending -er. These words must be memorized, as this ending is not dictated by morphology.

Ex: child -> childer, eye -> eyer
(child, egg)

There are many words that -regardless of what ending they take- will undergo an umlaut or -more rarely- an ablaut.

Some examples include: cnight -> cnoghts, camb -> cember, blad -> bleðen, goos -> geſ
(boy, comb, leaf, goose)

Some rare words may take more than one plural ending, a notable example being the word film which has different plural forms depending on the meaning. The meaning of "membrane" has a plural of filmennen, whereas the meaning of "foreskin" has a plural of filmens.


As this was covered in the article on adjectives, this will remain brief. All adjectives take the ending -en when preceding the plural noun they modify. Adjectives remain unchanged when proceeding the noun they modify.

Ex: ðe gooden folks VS ðe folks been good.
(the good people VS the people are good)


Possessive adjectives, such as mine, þine, oor etc, remain unchanged, lest the possessee is not mentioned.

Ex: mine catts VS hee been minen
(my cats VS they are mine)
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