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How elements work
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 21 Feb 2016, 07:12.

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They work like this: (number of Protons)-ʃ-(number of neutrons)-d-(number of electrons)-θ.

Hydrogen-1, 1 proton, 0 neutron, 1 electron - ʃɬɑdθ
Uranium-235, 92 proton, 143 neutron, 92 electron - ʃwɛjdθ

If you like, you can also add the number of valence electrons at the end, like so:
Lithium-7, 3 proton, 4 neutron, 3 electron, 1 valence electron - ʃdθk

But unless specificity is needed, you can use just the number of protons (the atomic number), it will be assumed it is the most common isotope and neutrally charged. Or you could leave out just the number of neutrons or the number of electrons, and it will be assumed to be the most common isotope or neutrally charged respectively.

There are also words for many things (gold, for example), that have a double that does not comply with the above rules. These words are there for something that is an alloy of gold, for something that is not pure gold.
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[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 24-Apr-21 20:00 [Deactivated User]
wow it seems that the timelords have a very “ systematic” way of thinking
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