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Comparative Statements
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i am less than enough to be the least unwise
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 24 Mar 2022, 18:27.

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Comparative statements use the words ńajo (same), poso (more), and api (less) in order to make a statement about the quality of multiple things.

The syntax goes:

Thus, if you wanted to say "You are stronger than them", you would say sa poso la kapa.
"You are less strong than them" would be sa api la kapa.
and "You are as strong as them" would be sa ńajo la kapa.

"I have more food than you" would be ko(THING)-poso-sa(OTHER THING)-ma kota(ATTRIBUTE)
ko poso sa ma kota.

Too much, too little, and enough precede the noun: sopona, sipina and lipina.

ko sopona ma kota.
"I have too much food."
sa sipina pi kota.
"You have too little water."
la lipina owi kota.
"They have enough money."

Enough, too, and not enough precede the adjective: pona, pina and lini.

toki pona kijala. (heh)
"The animal is too cute."
oko pina kapa.
"We aren't strong enough."
sa lini lipi.
"You are good enough."

Lastly, superlatives! ijo is the most, ijapi is the least!
la ijo ojo.
“They are the wisest.”

sa ijapi ńawi.
“You are the least mean.”

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