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Measurement in Denpa culture
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This private article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 18 Apr 2023, 23:14.

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Menu 1. Length 2. Area 3. Administrative units 4. Volume 5. Weight
The Denpa people don't use the metric system, the use the traditional Denpa system for measurements instead.

Like many traditional units of measurements, the Denpa measurement system is largely based on body parts and tangible objects.

[edit] [top]Length

zits(meaning "elbow" in the  Denpa Language) is defined by the distance from the tip of a hand to the elbow of a human being. The standardised length of 1 zits is equal to 44cm, or 0.44m or 2 tair, or 5/3 pu.

pu(meaning "foot" in the  Denpa Language) is defined by the length of a human foot. The standardised length of 1 pu is equal to 26.4cm, or 0.264m.

tair(meaning "stretch" in the  Denpa Language, derived from tairvn "to stretch") is defined by the distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger when a hand is opened. The standardised length of 1 tair is equal to 22cm, or 0.22m.

mut(meaning "walk" in the  Denpa Language, derived from mutn "to walk") is defined by the length of a double step, returning to the same foot. The standardised length of 1 mut is equal to 143cm, or 1.43m.

ditsn(abbreviated from ditsn mut, meaning "thousand walks" in the  Denpa Language) is defined by the length of 1000 o, returning to the same foot. The standardised length of 1 ditsn is equal to 1430m, or 1.43km.


lid(nominalization from the verb meaning "to till" in the  Denpa Language) is defined by the area a farmer can plough within one day. The standardised area of 1 lid is equal to 2,000 square muts, or 4089.8m2.

[edit] [top]Administrative units


A nimli(derived from nim "to command")

[edit] [top]Volume

[edit] [top]Weight
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