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An External Introduction to Proto-Kalu
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 10 Jul 2023, 13:34.

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As I work on adding the details of Proto-Kalu from my personal notes onto CWS you might think to yourself: "Hmm, this seems a lot like PIE." And you'd be right.
The main goal of the Kalu language family is to create languages with the aesthetics of PIE daughter languages (namely Ancient Greek and Latin). These languages will belong in my conworld and be spoken by people culturally inspired by these real-life peoples. At first I tried to construct a strictly a priori proto-language in the hopes that it would magically produce daughter languages with the desired feel. That failed. I stepped away for a while, came back, scrapped some things and tweaked others. It still felt off. I stepped away for a while and eventually tried again. This process happed close to half a dozen times before I learned more about how PIE works and realized that in order to achieve that cohesive feeling of languages that are clearly related but with the desired aesthetic, I would need to use a system very similar to PIE. Obviously, I didn't want them to be a one-to-one correspondent, but due to the nature of phonological and morphological evolution, I'd need a PIE skeleton (Is this conlang-cheating? I don't know, but for this project I'm sticking with what I know, and I'm okay with that.)
With all that being said,  Proto-Kalu is almost entirely lexically (root-wise) a priori built on an a posteriori framework. Wherever possible, however, I add or remove parts of that framework because I either want try something out or avoid those sticky parts of PIE that I don't fully understand or need. Again, the goal is to create languages that can stand on their own in the context of the conworld but have a recognizable look for an outside observer. Subsequent articles will go into greater detail about the inner workings of the language as they become more concrete.
As for the roadmap for the language family, I'm starting with the Greek-inspired descendant, then I will move onto the Italic-inspired descendants. I know much less about Ancient Greek than I do Latin, so I'm using this as an opportunity to learn more about it while developing my languages. I plan to develop the proto-language of this branch concurrently with  Proto-Kalu and then dive into each of the regional dialects to produce a naturalistic continuum.

Dear intrepid conlanger,
I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this through and potentially taking interest in this clumsy project of mine. I've been conlanging for *checks calendar* geez, at least 8 years now, and I've never really joined the community because I've never put in enough time and effort into a project to produce something remotely worth sharing. This is it though; I feel like I'm on track towards having a product I'm proud of and exposing it to the world. I'd also like to hear from you, the reader. Comments, questions, resources, a funny joke you heard today, anything at all is welcomed and appreciated.
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