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How to add words to Proto-Amaian: NEW
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have fun adding worbs
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 24 Jun 2018, 00:59.

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How to add words to Proto-Amaian:

*Each word needs stress class (first or second syllable), and additionally:
-if it is a noun, it needs declension class (-C front int, -V back, etc.) and possibly irregular stem (see below)
-if it is a verb, it needs conjugation class (front or back). Verbs always end in a vowel.

*If a word is monosyllabic, it always has stress on the first syllable. Otherwise, if the word is derived from another, it follows the pattern of the word it is derived from. Else, feel free to assign at random.

*If the noun or verb contains i, y, e, or ø, it is front-class. If the word contains ɯ, u, or o, it is back class. Otherwise it could go either way.

*You can choose between the int and suff noun classes randomly if the word is monosyllabic. Otherwise, multisyllabic words are always int.

*ə is never stressed.

*i, y, u are realized as e, ø, o next to w, j, q, ʀ.

*e, ø, o are allophones of i, y, u only. So they only occur next to w, j, q, ʀ.

*Words can't end in a voiced stop, voiced affricate, or voiced fricative.

*Maximum consonant clusters are length two. They can only be consonant + w/j, at the beginning of a syllable.

*-C nouns always end in consonants.

*-V nouns always end in a vowel.

That's pretty much it. Have fun adding words!

(Note: there are a few affixes and existing words which don't exactly follow these rules— you can consider these interesting irregular exceptions. Otherwise, these rules make things a lot easier to do than previously.)
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