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Lesson #1 "Il-Alfabeto"
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In this lesson we will be starting out with the Braussian alphabet and explaining some concepts
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 14 Oct 2018, 09:45.

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Gaho ihj prin rébéo hal qhursa on sur il-alfabeto Brašien

Hello and welcome to lesson one on the Braussian alphabet

In this lesson we will be starting out with the Braussian alphabet and explaining some concepts such as moon and sun vowels. We will also see the alphabet and its unique letters as well as accents. By the end of this lesson you should have a basic knowledge of the concepts of the Braussian alphabet as well as all of its letters and diacritics.

The alphabet in order:
aA bB dD đĐ eE éÉ fF gG ġĠ hH iI jJ kK lL mM m̃M̃ nN ñÑ oO pP qQ rR sS šŠ tT ŧŦ uU vV wW xX yY zZ

More information:
The Braussian alphabet, also known in Braussian as "Il-alfabeto Brašien" is a Latin alphabet consisting of 32 letters.
Apart from the standard Latin characters, the Braussian alphabet uses an additional 7 letters: Đ, É, Ġ, M̃, Ñ, Š and Ŧ.
As well as the additional characters, Braussian can also use diacritics on all of its vowels; every vowel can use diaeresis except the letter É which already uses an acute accent.

Moon and sun vowels:
Moon and sun vowels represent how a vowel will act in a word, this is mainly used in nouns to help use determine their accusative form as well as their plural form, we will delve deeper into these features in future lessons, but for now we will familiarise ourselves with the two types of vowels.

Sun vowels:
Sun vowels, also known as Roman vowels are the vowels that tend to be present in Latin based words, the following are all sun vowels: A, O, U. The sun vowels may also use circumflex accents in most cases to form the plural.

Moon vowels:
Moon vowels, also known as Dutch vowels are the vowels that tend to be present in Germanic based words, the following are all moon vowels: E, É, I.

This concludes lesson one "Il-Alfabeto", I hope it has been helpful to you and look forward to seeing you soon. If you have any queries please direct them to the official government email address here: [email protected].
Thank you very much for reading this first lesson and we hope to see you very soon in lesson 2.

Sahhaté ihj falaña jađ vaterô!
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