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Kriala Iojojm
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A sad story
This private article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 9 Oct 2016, 18:48.

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This article is a work in progress! Check back later in case any changes have occurred.

I write when I'm sad. This is a short story I wrote once, about two characters. One of which has been subject to extreme trauma, and doesn't feel emotion. (Rena) He also is quite pretty and gets chatted up a lot, which can be problematic. This trait can be upsetting for others and can lead others to not like him. I intend to translate this into  Gazal at some point, it is set there. Enjoy. It made me sad re-reading it. I don't know why, it's not even that good...

'Rena,' Alina called to his friend. 'Hey, Rena.' He tried again. 'Rena Shashans!' The last call awoke Rena from his daydream.
'Hm? What's up?'
'What's the answer to number 7?'
'Oh... That'll be "on the mountain" '
Alina peered over at Rena's page while Rena fidgeted with his pen. Alina always admired Rena's skill at writing; he marvelled at the skilled marks he wrote with. Rena always wrote with the formal alphabet, which many found very hard to write cursively, especially because it's written from right to left.

Alina's eyes scanned the beautiful inscriptions in blue ink. He copied it but in the casual alphabet. He cautiously looked up from his page at Rena's face. He looked deep into Rena's blue eyes. He observed his long blonde hair. He saw his beautiful markings. He saw his blank expression. Something troubled him. Something was missing from Rena's life; he always carried a neutral expression of emptiness you could see even when he smiled. Alina had never seen his friend like this. He tore his glittering hazel eyes back to his page. His black hair fell in front of his eyes a little. He wrote. He signed his work off. The only thing he could write in the formal alphabet was his name, but it was never as fluid or as neat as Rena's.

From nowhere, the bell rang. The students shuffled out of the classroom. Now was the time for lunch. Because Rena helped at the school library and Alina didn't, the pair split.
'Until next lesson!' Declared Alina cheerfully.
'Yeah,' replied Rena quietly.
'What actually is next?' Asked Alina. Rena, not looking at Alina, replied,
Alina didn't think it the time to ask Rena what was wrong, there was chaos around them in the corridor. They stood for an awkward moment as Rena wasn't saying anything and Alina didn't know what to say. So, he simply said farewell. And both turned their separate ways.

Alina started walking along the corridor outside, to the cherry blossom, which he and his other friends ate under. The tree is by the bank of the schools pond, where people are free to eat by. The pond is very large and has a beautifully decorated wooden bridge over it. Alina made it out the door outside when he met his other friends.
'Hey!' Greeted Dari.
'Hiii~' Greeted Xelia
'Hi...' Replied Alina mumbling because his interaction with Rena wasn't very joyful.
'Why are you sad Al?' Asked Dari
'Well...' Alina began. Rena knew Dari as an acquaintance, but they didn't have a warm relationship, for neither cared about the other. 'It's nothing...' Continued Alina. 'I just got a question wrong in front of the class...' He bluffed. Him, Dari and Xelia continued towards the tree. Xelia wasn't particularly fond of Rena either, the truth is Xelia once loved Rena, but Rena denied him.

Rena slowly walked towards the library. He held his hand to his face because he had lack of sleep. It occupies his mind all the time. He doesn't mean to upset Alina and he shouldn't be worried. He arrived at the library and pushed the door open. He was greeted by the Librarian, a middle-aged woman whose name was unknown. He greeted her back, and entered the library's office, which is just across from the entrance.
'Hello,' said a voice. It was Hadiya, one of Rena's closest friends. She was always very considerate, but if you set off on the wrong foot with her you could be subject to the closest thing to hell. Rena ~ got into her good books pretty quickly. They had been friends for a long time.

'Hey,' Rena said while hanging his long coat on a hook. He retrieved his lunch from his small bag.
'How's Alina?' Hadiya inquired
'Oh... Fine. Yeah.' Rena said acting uninterested, as if it was all fine and under control.
'That's good to know.' She replied. Rena sat next to Hadiya and ate. They talked for a long time, and when they had finished they went into the library to tidy.

Alina, Dari and Xelia ate under the tree. Alina couldn't shake Rena from his head. When he stared into the pond it reminded him of Rena's eyes. The autumnal grass and the distant wheat fields reminded him of Rena's hair. He thought about how he couldn't talk to Rena very much. Rena. That's all he thought about.

He dropped his lunch and ran. Through the corridors. He found him. He sat down on a chair and called for Rena.
'I love you' he said.
Alina cried. He attracted the full attention of Rena. As more tears flowed, he looked at Rena. The look he got back wasn't comforting. Or upsetting. It was the same look. The same empty look. Rena was broken.


~~Work in progress don't judge

«Śahhei,» Alina araqára o hagaześ heiga.
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