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Probably take preventative headache measures
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 15 Aug 2019, 15:35.

[Public] ? ?
1. Counting ? ?
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The first step is a layout of the available digits:
-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
In essence, to convert between normal base 10 and balanced base 10, replace 9 with 1T, 8 with 1Z, 7 with 1E, and 6 with 1H, carrying the 1 over to the ten's place. You may also replace 5 with 1f, but doing so should only occur if the next digit rightward is positive (including zero, if the digit right of that is positive, and so on) which helps with rounding.
From there, simply count as usual.
Multiplication is easier to resolve, as the only the quantities 2,3,4, and 5 are needed, as opposed to 2-9 (ignoring 1 and 0 as trivial) with the only added consideration of positives vs. negatives.

Negative numbers simply begin with a negative digit, and positive numbers begin with a positive digit, while zero is zero. To subtract, simply negate a number and add, classic "adding a negative", but quite literal. 15-4 = 15+h, and 5+h=1, so 15-4=15+h=11
Rounding is trivial! A proper number is accurately rounded simply by chopping off all digits right of the target mark, i.e. 141.T23ZE rounds to any of these: 141.T23Z, 141.T23, 141.T2, 141.T, 141, 140, 100. Notice there is no 1.6->2.
Many fractions can be expressed in somewhat simpler forms: 1/7 = 0.[142857] = 0.[143zhe], and remember -143= zhe. 1/11 = 0.[09] = 0.[1t].
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