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Fei Lōpe basic grammar
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How the words go together
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 22 Feb 2018, 08:22.

[Public] ? ?
Menu 1. Sentence Structure 2. Plurals 3. Possessives 4. Questions 5. Negatives
[edit] [top]Sentence Structure

Basic sentence structure is Topic + Verb, more specifically SOV.
Determiners precede the noun.
"I am a person" would be constructed as "I a-person am," or Odala fi porā toiti.

[edit] [top]Plurals

Nouns are pluralized not by themselves, but by the determiners preceding them.
This form is generally constructed by adding -pe to the end of the relevant determiner or pronoun.
Fei porā ("the person") becomes Feipe Porā ("The People").
Similarly, feito lōpe ("this language") becomes feitope lōpe ("these languages").

However! Plural pronouns are created simply by reduplication of the final -la.
I = odala
We = odalala

[edit] [top]Possessives

Possessives are made by placing a particle (nni) between the possessor and the possessee.
"Your language" would be 2SSecond person singular (person)
addressee (you)
/ 2PSecond person plural (person)
addressee (plural)
POSSPossessive (case)
owns, has
language or moala/moalala nni lōpe

[edit] [top]Questions

To ask a question simply add no to the end of a normal sentence.
Odala fi porā toiti no?

[edit] [top]Negatives

Negative forms are included in the conjugation tables for verbs in the dictionary, but basically, p is prefixed and ho is suffixed.
So "to be" toī becomes "not to be" topīho.

Odala fi porā topitiho.
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