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Consonant & Vowel Alterations
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 20 Jul 2017, 00:17.

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Menu 1. Summary 2. Consonant Gradation
[edit] [top]Summary

Due to events in  Agadalic's history, both consonant & vowel alterations are commonplace.

[edit] [top]Consonant Gradation

Some consonants plosives, mostly undergo gradation in certain grammatical environments. Historically, these environments were predictable. Due to sound changes, however, they have become an important part of  Agadalic grammar. There are two Grades of consonants: Strong & Weak. The Strong grade is considered to be default in most grammars because it appears in most word stems. Strong vs. Weak correspondences are given in the tables below.


In addition, some consonant clusters deviate slightly from normal gradation patterns:


These are called assimilation patterns. In all other clusters, no consonant gradation takes place.

Gradation & Grammar
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