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Proto-Gynias Affixes
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Common Affixes and Meanings in Proto-Gynias
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 5 Oct 2021, 20:29.

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Proto-Gynias has a variety of prefixes and suffixes that can change the definitions, parts of speech and morphological uses of words. This article includes a list of some of the most common affixes, their definitions or effects on words and examples of the affixes.

Noun Affixes:
-mas (Person, One Who, -er, Verb -> Noun); "Pielmas" (Swimmer) > from "Pielada" (To Swim)
-òsti (Act, Process, -ing, Verb -> Noun); "Pielòsti" (Swimming) > from "Pielada" (To Swim)
-is (Thing, Quality Of, Verb -> Noun); "Israhais" (Movement) > from "Ísraha" (To Move)
-adi (State, Quality, -ness, Adj -> Noun); "Kantadi" (Happiness) > from "Kanteì" (Happy)
-gar/kar (Place, Location); "Opétragar" (Restaurant) > from "Opetro" (To Eat)
-dìel (Big, Mega, Augmentative); "Samakódìel" (Shark) > from "Sámako" (Fish)
-kro (Small, Mini, Diminutive); "Valekro" (Boy) > from "Vale" (Man)

Verb Affixes:
sko(t)- (Action, To __, Noun -> Verb); "Skotsámako" (To Fish) > from "Sámake" (Fish)

ampa- (Not, Opposite, Anti-, Un-); "Ampayvele" (To Doubt) > from "Yvele" (To Think)
sai(s)- (Plus, More, Increased); "Saistaulo" (To Heat) > from "Tauleì" (Hot)
lery(n)- (Less, Decreased, De-, Un-); "Lerysaude" (To Forget) > from "Saude" (To Know)
tro- (In, Inside, Within); "Trospegan" (Letter, Lit. 'Written In') > from "Spegave" (To Write)
uha- (At, In);
sufa- (On, Atop);
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