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History of The Zjett
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History of the Island of Zjett
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 13 Dec 2022, 11:14.

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Menu 1. History of the Zjett 2. Pre Arabian Settlements 3. Arabian Settlement 4. European Settlement 5. Development if the Mozjett Language 6. Expansion of the Mozjett Colony 7. Dutch Annexation of the Mozjett Colony 8. Governorship of John Pheliegh
[edit] [top]History of the Zjett

The Zjett is an Island located north of Cape Verde and west of the Canary Islands. Hence it has a sub-tropical climate with hot summers and mild winters, and a high amount of Rainfall.

[edit] [top]Pre Arabian Settlements

The earliest record of Human Settlement on the Zjett were the original Zjettic People who lived there in around 2000 BCE. The Zjettic people lived on the island for over a thousand years, and it is likely that they are related to the Berber Peoples in mainland Africa. The Romans recorded the Island in 122 BCE and called it Hannibalis insula as they believed that these people were the Slaves of the Carthaginian Civilization. The Zjettic people were recorded to be Dark-Skinned and primitive lifestyle, however archaeological shows that these people had their own Cities and Kingdoms, most infamously the Ruins of Jestenberg, which was a city made out of stone brick which fell around the time when the Arabs colonised the lands.

[edit] [top]Arabian Settlement

The first Arab to record the Islands were Gharib Al Andalusi and Hakim Al Madani, who were sailers that stumbles across the Island. They discovered it in 812 and called it Jazeerat Al Zaytoon or “Island of Olives” because of the Island’s abundance of Olive trees. These olive trees were originally from Rome but their seeds were traded and planted by the Zjettic Peoples. After that, Slowly Arabs and Berbers from Morocco and Algeria started emigrating to these Islands because of its Fertile Soil and availability of Fish. Slowly, large settlements like Khay and Zaytun emerged, which were primarily fishing towns, inhabited by Arabs, Berbers and Zjettic people. The Island came in into the hands of many Dukes and Counts, however it’s obscurity meant that ut was largely missing from Historical records in the region.

[edit] [top]European Settlement

Europeans recorded these Islands as “Zaet” and “Zaiet” in the 15th and early 16th century, however it was never colonised by them until 1563, when Georj Silverstein, who was from Amsterdam, arrived in the Island to settle. He was Protestant and arrived there to escape persecution in Europe, along with 2000 settlers, most of whom were Protestant however some were Calvinist. He asked the Sheikh of Zaytoon, Khalid II Zaytuni, if he could settle in a plot of Land in the Island. Khalid II allowed the settlers to settle is a small strip of land in the Eastern Coast, and in exchange Silverstein and his people promised to pay Jizya tax money 5 years after settlement. He and his men agreed and set up what is now known as the City of Ert Georj. Silverstein’s colonists started calling the nearby river “Zjett”, which was derived from “Zaiet”. Later they called the entire Island “The Zjett”.

[edit] [top]Development if the Mozjett Language

Silverstein was appointed as the Leader (Loeder) of the colony. He founded the Zjettan Protestant Council (Mozjett Protestante Konseil, or MPK) which became the governing body for Ert Georj. Since Ert Georj was supposed to be a safe haven for Protestants, hundreds of Protestants from all over Europe came to Ert Georj to settle there, mostly from The German States, England, France, The Netherlands, and some from Sweden etc. All of these people spoke many different languages, and when coming to Ert Georj they started speaking a Pidgin that the MPK called “Mozjett”, however some people called it “Zjett” and “Zjettic” Mozjett quickly became the dominant language of the settlement. Initially, however, it was a mix of several Languages spoken together with no standardised Lexicon, Pronunciation and Grammar, but later it evolved and a few words became standardised. Mozjett was recognised as the official language of the colony in 1575, however official documents were only written in French and Arabic. By 1579, The Bible was translated into Mozjett by Francis Exeling, and in 1581 the Mozjett Bible was taught in Schools. However, despite a lot of people being Fluent in Mozjett, they mostly spoke their native Language between each other and only spoke Mozjett in intercultural communication.

[edit] [top]Expansion of the Mozjett Colony

In 1576, Georj Silverstein passed away, and the MPK decided to elect among themselves a new Cheif. They Elected John Pheliegh, an English Settler who came to the colony in 1567. John Pheliegh believed that Ert Georj wasn’t enough for the Mozjett people because of the rapid Population Growth. By 1575, there were around 20,000 people inhabiting a small strip of Coast. Hence Pheliegh requested Sheikh Yunus Zaytuni if they could have more Land to settle in. Sheikh Yunus Agreed and granted them a small piece of coast in the North East of the Island in exchange of higher Taxes. This new Piece of Land was quickly settled to form the city of Ert Pheliegh. Large Ports we’re built in both Ert Pheliegh and Ert Georj, and quickly the two settlements became a prime source of Income via Trade for the Settlers. The Location of the colony also meant that Ships from Europe going to Africa, North America and South America could stop there for refuelling and resupplying.

[edit] [top]Dutch Annexation of the Mozjett Colony

The Dutch considered the Island of Zjett a useful area to control as it would not only limit the Expansion of the Iberian Union, but also help the Dutch to reach the Spice Islands faster. For this reason they sent an ambassador by the name of Fredrick de Houtman to the Mozjett Colony in 1583. Fredrick announced that the Dutch gave the Mozjett Colony an ultimatum, either they submit to the Dutch or they face the consequence of War. Pheliegh decided to agree under one condition, that the Dutch respect their Religion, Distinct Culture, and Language. Fredrick Agreed and hence from that year the Zjett was in the control of the Dutch.

[edit] [top]Governorship of John Pheliegh

While the Zjett was in
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