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On Fresmyan culture
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 23 Oct 2018, 02:18.

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  • It is considered good luck to always have a live rabbit with your clan. Some Fresmyans have interpreted this as "the more rabbits you have, the more prosperous you'll be". The average Fresmyan clan (about 15-20 people) has roughly 75 rabbits at any given time.
  • Fresmyan Ibɑus or Ibɑuɹs always bear the symbol of the she-hawk Ibɑu. The oldest known reference to this tradition is carved in soapstone from the times when Proto-Fresma was emerging from Old Sherem, when Ibɑu Ɑtɛɑr-ɔθm was in power. Loosely translated from Old Sherem, the text reads:
    "...And the gods looked graciously upon Clan Fresma, and guided them with the eyes of Ibɑu, much bronze, and much copper. Ibɑu-Fresm Ɑtɛɑr-ɔθm thanked the gods, and made many sacrifices of the rye-grass and lambs-wool..... Out of the sacred fires Ɑtɛɑr-ɔθm crafted wings in the likeness of the Messenger She-Hawk's and there was much singing and dancing for three grazings of the Sun-Lambs."
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