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Lesson #3
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Is that a noun, a verb, adjective or an adverb?
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 27 Mar 2024, 06:40.

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How can we distinguish a noun from an adjective? A verb from an adverb?

Most words in odmoc dictionary are just concepts, nor nouns, nor adjectives and neither etc...
So, take for example the word pun, head or brain, if it is a verb, it would be the thinking verb, if an adjective, it would be smart, if an adverb, it would be smartly.

pun, head (if punror, it expresses the anatomical organ). A noun
puniu, smart (pun + suffix -iu to express adjective). An adjective
pung, smartly (<I>pun</I> + instrumental case <I>-g</I>). An adverb
punc, think (pun + suffix -c to express verb in infinite mode). A verb

Example: pun puniu puncu pung
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