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Plural in Komatunese
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Brief explanation of plurality in the language
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 24 Mar 2019, 15:38.

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In Oazebu, plurality is marked very simply. The language follows just a singular (unitarian) and plural (+ than one) system, exept some aspects in which it can have dual when referring to kinship terms.

ta and n at end of words are usually what marks that the word is in plural form;
nuda (flower) > nudan
soro (soil) > soron
modo (thing) > modon
sueda (wave) > suedan

but some words can end in n but are still singular: zen,keon, guran (sky, leaf), and some end in a phoneme that is hard to add an n after, like gol, jwahpuk, aramos, majal (sand, town, judge, skirt); so the ta is used instead

zen > zenta
gol > golta
aramos > aramosta
guran >guranta

"ta" is also used to the plural form of subject pronouns
ke (1S) > keta (1P)
se (2S) > seta (2P)
so in summary, for plurality,
n is used when:
    word ends in e, o, u or a,
    word ends in j, dj, sh, tch, v, or f (for ʃ, t͡ʃ, and d͡ʒ, a ʊ is added before the n

ta is used when
    word ends in "n"
    word ends in t, d, p, b, k, g, m, z, s, r, w, l.
    word ends in i sound or y (j)
    in adjectives that are agreeing to a nown that uses "ta" for plural.

duality is marked by adding in to end of the word (if word ends in a i, lhin (ʎin) is added instead)

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