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Relative clauses
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The two different ways to form relative clauses.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 25 Mar 2024, 16:50.

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Arakene has two different strategies to form relative clauses based on the subject of the clause.

If the subject of the clause it the noun that it modifies, an adjectival phrase is used in front of the modified noun. The verb of the relative clause is inflected with the adjectival ending -éj. The clause has identical word order and use of noun cases to regular clauses.

1. Ịnlid lygéj ạli
ịnli-d lyg-éj ạli
apple-ACCAccusative (case)
TRANS direct object; patient
buy-ADJZAdjectiviser (syntax)
turns word into adjective
"the person who is buying the apple/the apple-buying person"

When the modified noun is not the subject, a different construction is used. The phrase is constructed much like a regular phrase, but the (inflected) verb is suffixed with the relative marker -gah. If the modified noun is the direct object, it is not referenced in the relative clause. If it's another argument, it is referenced in the clause with a regular pronoun; relative pronouns do not exist. The clause is placed after the noun it modifies.

2. ạli jadqádi ladqenáogah
ạli jadqád-i la-dqen-áo-gah
person yesterday-TEMP PAST-meet-1S-REL
"the person I met yesterday"

3. kájm qịd kịhkoi ladqenáogah
kájm qị-d kịh-koi la-dqen-áo-gah
house 3S.NVIS-ACC there.NVIS-LOC PAST-meet-1S-REL
"the house where I met them"

Very elaborate relative clauses may be preceded by the particle gwịt. This helps clarify where in the sentence the relative clause starts.

3.1. kájm gwịt qịd kịhkoi ladqenáogah
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Edit history
on 25/03/24 16:500[Deactivated User]please go into the right folder
on 14/03/24 18:580[Deactivated User]why won't it show up >:(
on 14/03/24 15:300[Deactivated User]added tag
on 14/03/24 15:240[Deactivated User]added to the right place
on 14/03/24 15:22-9[Deactivated User]finished
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