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Key [BRUH]
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Typology New 9 words Key
kinw51 P˯↑↔︎⊙
[kʷɪ̃ɰ˥˨ (signed: palm facing down at head height moving back and forth to and from chest height)]*
Registered by [Deactivated User] on 1 September 2019
Language type A priori
Species Bruh
About Key Key is a language spoken/signed by rhesus macaques. It has a highly restricted phonology and syllable structure and supplements its limited phonetic structure with a manual channel. Most signs are broad semantically, acting as a constraint on interpretations of the auditory channel, similar to, for example, classifier nouns or noun classes.

Words are largely mono- or disyllabic and nearly all inflectional morphology is isolating. Vowels contrast oral and nasal versions, however there are fewer quality distinctions among the nasal vowels than the oral vowels. There are five tone melodies, however not all of these can be used with every quality+nasality combination of vowels, and melodies apply at the level of the phonological word rather than the syllable.

Tone melodies are (in the Sinitic convention of 1 being low to 5 being high): 1 (˩), 5 (˥), 15 (˨˦), 51 (˥˨), 151 (˩˦˨).
Sample of KeyCan't find any yet.
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P˰⊙→∇vgo down
[view]Phonological System: BruhRhesus macaque moment.

All vowels are given as either rounded or unrounded depending on which is more common. The rounded and unrounded diacritics should be used to indicate the other rounding version. It is recommended that you use PhoMo estimation rules to correct these to appropriate IPA.

Rhesus macaques (and other monkeys, apes, and infants) cannot produce [i u a] due to the shape and relative proportions of the oral and pharyngeal tracts. Non-speech-like vocalisations such as screams, grunts, cooing, or geckering and other communications such as facial or tail movements are not included here, for much the same reasons as screaming or smiling are not included in the IPA.

F indicates a finger with the preceding number indicating which finger, 1 being the index finger and 4 the pinky finger. The "touching" diacritic is placed on the second glyph in a sequence of two to indicate the first handshape touches the second. ◌ᴸ and ◌ᴿ specify left-hand and right-hand shapes, respectively. Horizontal arrows (→, ⇒, ↔︎, ⇔) are used to sequence signs, indicating smooth motion from one to the other. Vertical arrows (↕︎, ⇕) are used to indicate vertical movement of a sign in place. Whitespace separates complete signs with no transitional motion.

Contiguous sign glyphs represent a single sign. Glyphs are placed in the order [shape][position] and from left to right, for example T˰ᴸ<T˰ᴿ> — T˰ᴸ and T˰ᴿ are shapes, < and > are positions and T˰ᴸ< specifies the left hand followed by the right hand in left to right order. This sign is, of course, two thumbs up. Repetitions of the same glyphs for left and right can be simplified by using * instead of left- or right-hand specifiers, for example the previous simplifies to T˰*<>. Positional information can be omitted if the shapes occur in "default" positions, typically around the center of the position grid, for example the previous can be reduced to to T˰*.
Table #1labialalveolarvelarglottal
voiceless plosive p t ʔ
voiceless fricative  s  
lateral  l ʟ 
approximant   ɹ ɰ 
Table #2frontcentralback
close ɪ ɪ̃  ʊ ʊ̃
mid open ɛ ɜ̃ 
open    ɑ
Table #3palmthumb1F2F
towards self
away from self
Table #4leftcenterright
head ↖︎ ↗︎
chest < >
Below is the orthography for Key. This includes all graphemes as defined in the language's phonology settings - excluding the non-distinct graphemes/polygraphs.
 KeyOrthography [edit]
Aa/ɑ/Ee/ɛ/EN en/ɜ̃/Hh/xʷ/Ii/ɪ/IN in/ɪ̃/Jj/ʟ/Kk/kʷ/Ll/l/
Pp/p/Rr/ɹ/Ss/s/Tt/t/Uu/ʊ/UN un/ʊ̃/Ww/ɰ/Xx/ʔ/
✖ Unknown alphabetical order [change]
    Typological information for Key

    Morphological typologyAnalytical
    ToneComplex system (3+ or contour tones)

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