Freelandic [FYJ]
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Registered by
[Deactivated User] on 31 January 2018
Language type
A posteriori
About Freelandic
This language is my first conlang, it is very bizzare and shitty just look at it alphabet
Sample of Freelandic[view] “Hij ňęn fein řaz hën niega Langús vé malboireir dąn une aniem̌øl eng une stinke vis.„
"He who does not love his own language is worse than an animal and a smelly fish."[view all texts]
"He who does not love his own language is worse than an animal and a smelly fish."[view all texts]
Sound samples in Freelandic
Some sound samples of Freelandic. Maximum of 6 shown. Click the links to see the full texts.
Tá ředitj, vy vé ředæč
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Dear reader, you are readingWarning: Link provided is not a supported filetype (wav, ogg, mp3). You can navigate to the link provided at your own risk.
Language family relationships
Language treeGermanic
⤷ Proto-Germanic
⤷ Old Freevian
⤷ Proto-Germanic
⤷ Old Freevian

[view] About GermanicThe Germanic languages are a branch of the Indo-European language family spoken natively by a population of approximately 500 million people mainly in North America, Oceania, Western and Northern Europe. Proto-Germanic , which was spoken in approxima...
[view] Långjierbęn (Longyearbyen Everyday Speech)No summary available for this dialect.
Consonants | Bilabial | Labio- dental | Dental | Alveolar | Post- Alveolar | Retroflex | Alveolo- palatal | Palatal | Labio- velar | Velar | Uvular | Pharyngeal | Glottal | Other | ||||||||||||||
Nasal | m | ɱ | n | ɳ | ɲ | ŋ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Plosive | p | b | t tʼ | d | ʈ | ɖ | c | ɟ | k kʼ | g | q | ʔ | ||||||||||||||||
Fricative | ɸ ɸ̃ | β | f fʼ | v | θ θʼ θ̃ | ð | s s̃ | z | ʃ ʃʼ ʃ̃ | ʒ | [ʂ] ʂʼ ʂ̃ | [ʐ] | ɕ | ʑ | ç ç̃ | ʝ | x x̃ | ɣ | χ | ħ | h | ɧ | ||||||
Affricate | p̪͡f | b̪͡v | [t̪͡θ]1 | [d̪͡ð]2 | t͡s | d͡z | t͡ʃ | d͡ʒ | t͡ɕ | d͡ʑ | ||||||||||||||||||
Lateral approximant | l | ɭ | ʎ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lateral fricative | ɬ | ɮ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Approximant | ɹ | [ɻ]3 | j jʷ | ʍ | w | ɰ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Trill | r | ʀ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flap | [ɾ]4 |
Blends | pj | ʃk | vj | kw | tj | mj | xj | lj | ks | ʒj |
[ɹʒj]5 | kj | ry | nj | rj | gz |
- allophone of /t͡s/
- allophone of /d͡z/
- allophone of /ɭ/
- allophone of /r/
- realization of Ř by some (slavic) speaker, allophone of /rj/
Vowels | Front | Near- front | Central | Near- back | Back | |||||
Close | i i: ĩ: ĩ | y | ɨ | ɯ | u | |||||
Near-close | [ɪ]1 ɪ: | ʊ | ||||||||
Close-mid | e ʲe | [ø] | ɤ | o ʲo | ||||||
Mid | ə ʲə ʷə | |||||||||
Open-mid | ɛ | œ | [ʌ]2 | ɔ | ||||||
Near-open | [æ] | |||||||||
Open | a ʲa | [ɶ] | ɑ |
Polyphthongs | ɯi | ao ao: | eʊ | ia | io | ie | ɯɪ | oaɪɹ3 | uə |
- allophone of /i/
- Only in Longyearbyen Everyday Speech dialect, allophone of /ɑ/
- Freevian's only Quardruphthong
Below is the orthography for Freelandic. This includes all graphemes as defined in the language's phonology settings - excluding the non-distinct graphemes/polygraphs.
![]() | |||||||||
Ąą/ʲa/ | Aa ar /a/, /ɑ/ | Åå[ʌ]1 | Ą́ ą́/ʲa/ | Á á/a/ | Â â/ɑ/ | Ä ä är /ɑ/, /ɔ/, /a/ | Bb Be /b/ | Cc cí /t͡s/, /s/, /x/, /k/ | Çç çidellé /t͡s/ |
Čč če /t͡ʃ/ | ČH čh/ç̃/ | Dd din /d/ | Ḑḑ/ʈ/, /ɖ/ | Ď ď haaḑ jër /d͡ʒ/ | Ee er /e/ | Ęę/ʲe/ | É é/e/ | Ę́ ę́/ʲe/ | Ê ê/ɤ/ |
Ë ë ër /ɤ/ | Ff eph /f/ | F̌ f̌/fʼ/ | Ǧǧ/ɰ/ | Gg sgi /g/ | Ģģ eģa /gz/ | Hh his /h/ | Įį įr /ɨ/, /y/ | Ii ir /i/ | ISN isn/ĩ/ |
Í í/i/ | Į́ į́/ɨ/ | Î î/ɯɪ/ | Ï ï ïr /ɯi/, /ɯi/ | Jj/d͡ʒ/ | J̌ ǰ/j/ | Kk ski /k/ | Ǩǩ ǩen /kj/ | Ļļ/ɬ/ | Ľľ ľen /ʎ/ |
Ll li /l/ | Mm em /m/ | M̌ m̌ m̌en /mj/ | M̧ m̧/ɱ/ | Nn en /n/ | Ňň ňen /ɲ/ | Ņņ/ɳ/ | Oo or /o/ | Ǫǫ/ʲo/ | Ǫ́ ǫ́/ʲo/ |
Ó ó/o/ | Ô ô/ao/ | Ö ö ör /ao/, /ao/ | ÖÖ öö/ao:/ | Pp Pe /p/ | P̌ p̌ p̌en /pj/ | Qq quisa /kw/, /q/ | Q̌ q̌/ɣ/ | Rr ri /r/, /ɹ/ | Ř ř řen /rj/ |
Ss se /s/ | Şş şí /d͡z/ | Šš še /ʃ/ | SSß eßétt /z/ | Ṡṡ[ʂ] | ṠH ṡh/ʂ̃/ | SZ sz/s̃/ | S̋ s̋/ʂʼ/, /ʃʼ/ | Tt tin /t/ | Ţţ/c/ |
Ť ť ťen /tj/ | Ųų ųa /w/ | Uu ur /u/ | Ú ú/u/ | Ų́ ų́/w/ | Û û/ɯ/ | Ü ü ür /ɯ/ | Vv ev /v/ | V̌ v̌ v̌en /vj/ | Ww ew /w/ |
W̌ w̌/jʷ/ | Xx ex /ks/, /ks/ | Yy yu /j/ | Ý ý/i:/ | Ŷ ŷ[ø] | Ÿ ÿ/y/ | Zz tse /z/ | Žž že /ʒ/ | Żż[ʐ] | Ææ ær /ɛ/, [æ] |
Ǽ ǽ/æ/ | Ðð eð /ð/ | Øø ør /ɔ/ | Ǿ ǿ/ɔ/ | Þþ/θ/ | Ħħ/ħ/ | Ŀŀ/ɮ/ | Łł ri /ʀ/ | Œœ/œ/ | Œ́ œ́[ɶ] |
Ŧŧ/tʼ/ | Ƃƃ ƃe /β/ | Ƌƌ/ɟ/ | Əə ər /ə/ | Ə́ ə́/ə/ | Ə̂ ə̂/ʷə/ | Ə̈ ə̈/ʷə/ | Ə̋ ə̋/ʲə/ | Ə̌ ə̌/ʲə/ | Ɛɛ ɛr /eʊ/ |
Ɛ́ ɛ́/eʊ/ | Ƒƒ ƒjerð /p̪͡f/ | Ƥƥ ƥe /ɸ/ | Ʋʋ ʋjerþ /b̪͡v/ | Ʒʒ/d͡ʑ/, /t͡ɕ/ | Ȝȝ yoȝ /ç/, /xj/ | Ỻỻ/ɭ/ | Ꝥꝥ ꝥe /θʼ/ | ||
✖ Unknown alphabetical order |
- Only in Longyearbyen Everyday Speech dialect