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Old Novinian [OLDIE]
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Old Novinian
Növènanmå Ört
[nɶvɛnanmɐ ɶrt]*
Registered by [Deactivated User] on 8 December 2019
Language type A priori
Species Human/humanoid
About Old Novinian Say hello to the ancestor of  Grisian...

Old Novinian!

It sounds like a Slavlang, but there are more similarities between Old Novinian and English. In fact, the conlang was derived from an English cypher. As you venture into the depths of Old Novinian, be prepared for:

- Consonant clusters!
- Fluctuating accents and umlauts! (the Novinian vowel system was much debated over and only a small minority of the language was written, so oral tradition means some spellings are unconfirmed)
- This weird letter Jj which has a disputed pronunciation!

Btw, Old Novinian has already progressed far, but I've been too lazy to transfer more of it to CWS...
Sample of Old Novinian[view] Därgnë su mu del e ölčud podeonmämå kod, blovn osk moltènč mu.

Don't talk to me until I've had my hot brown morning potion.
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Language family relationships
Language treeMholredian
 ⤷  Old Novinian
[view] About MholredianA family for languages spoken largely in northeast Mholred.
Nasal m   n          
Plosive p b   t d     ɟ k g ʔ
Fricative   f v s z   ɕ     h
Affricate       t͡ʃ        
Lateral approximant     l          
Trill     r          
Close i y   ɯ u
Close-mid e ø    
Open-mid ɛ ɞ ɔ
Near-open æ ɐ  
Open a ɶ   ɒ
Polyphthongs ɔɐ eu
Below is the orthography for Old Novinian. This includes all graphemes as defined in the language's phonology settings - excluding the non-distinct graphemes/polygraphs.
 Old NovinianOrthography [edit]
Èè/ɛ/EE ee/y/EU eu/eu/Ff/f/Gg/g/Hh/h/Ii/i/Jj/ɟ/Kk/k/Ll/l/
Mm/m/Nn/n/Oo/ɔ/Öö/ɶ/OA oa/ɔɐ/Pp/p/Rr/r/Ss/s/Tt/t/Üü/ɯ/
Uu/u/UA ua/uɐ/Vv/v/Xx/ɕ/Zz/z/Øø/ɒ/Œœ/ɞ/
✖ Unknown alphabetical order [change]
    Latest 8 related articles listed below.
    Typological information for Old Novinian

    Animacy distinctionsNone
    Copula droppingNone
    Definite articleAffix used

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